Chapter 57

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Shout-out to Galaxie_Moonlight for choosing the baby room


It has been 8 months..
One more month to go..
I sigh as i lean back on my chair.
I'm in my office doing some paperwork secretly since Liam won't let me do any work.

I hear the door creak open and i quickly hide the papers in the drawer.
Danny comes in the room as he looks a bit nervous.

"Danny? What's wrong? You don't look okay"
'Dad..can you play with me?'
"Oh bud..of course"
I got up from my seat as we both made our way to his room.


Me and Vanny carried the crib in the room as the children follows behind us.
We set the crib down as Vanny and i pant for air.

"Well we got the crib in here, now we still need to put in the rest of the decorations"
"Remind me why i have to be here again"
"Susie dragged you and Gabriel all the way here Cass. Your always free to go"
"What no! I want Cassidy and Gabriel here"Susie whines.
"Ugh fine idiot,i guess I'll stay.."
"Where ever Cassidy goes I'll go, so i suppose I'll stay here"

"Okay enough talking you three, help us get the other decorations and furnitures in before William notices us"
Well here is what the room looks like now

"Okay enough talking you three, help us get the other decorations and furnitures in before William notices us"___________________________________________Well here is what the room looks like now

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I'm sure William is gonna love it!
"Good job guys! Stay here while i go and grab William"


"So Ellie is the elephant?"
Danny nods as he continues to play with his toys.
"Aw that's very sweet"
I hear the door open as Liam is standing on the doorway.

"Liam? What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be at work?"
"Oh uhm i may have left work early,but that doesn't matter! I have a suprise i need to show you"
"Oh?what is it?"
"Just close your eyes, I'll guide you"
"Uhm okay"

I got up and closed my eyes as Liam takes my hand and he guides me somewhere.
Liam stopped walking and i hear a door being open.
We step inside as i hear small whispers near me.

"Alright your eyes"
I did as he told and..
I gasped as i looked around the room and i turn to Liam.

" this.."
"Yes's the baby's room"
"I..oh my fucking god.."
Tears forms in my eyes as Liam caresses my hand.

"I don't know what to say.."
"Hm..what about you start with a thank you to the children,Vanny and me?"
"Of course..thank you all for making this room,i can't thank you all enough.."
"Your welcome Mr. Afton! Oh! We also bought toys for the baby!"
"That's very sweet of you all"

Danny comes in the room as he hugs my leg.
"Danny,you were distracting me weren't ya?"
He nods as i ruffles his hair.
"Well you like the room?"
"I love it Darling.."
The children went back to the pizzeria and Vanny went home.
Liam brushes my hair with his fingers as i lay my head on his shoulder.

"One more month left.."
"I know Will..but I'm sure everything is going to be okay.."

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