chapter 10

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"Glitch I'm home.."

"Welcome back my dear!"

I turn off the TV as William sits next to me.

"How is work today my dear?"

I asked to start up a conversation between us.

"Not bad i suppose.."

"Did something different happened today? you would usually say that work is hell"

"Yes..something did happened...a woman complained about one of the animatronics being not family friendly apparently..but on the bright side though i did meet a nice kid"

"Hmm did you kill them my dear? "

" No i didn't."

"And why not?"

"He reminds me know who."

"Ah i i suppose that it's understandable. But you're too nice sometimes."

"I don't give two fucks about that."

Silence fills the room as i anxiously fidget with one of the buttons on my jacket.

"Hey Will..i have some questions i need you to answer."

"Okay? and what is it?"

"What happened to your old pal Henry? i haven't heard or seen that old man in ages."

"....i don't know...he moved to another state one day because he said that he wanted to move far away from me as possible..i don't even know what i did wrong.."

I nervously laugh and scratch the back of my neck.

"What's so funny?"

"I may..or may not have controlled your body without you knowing and i may.. have killed Henry's daughter.."

" what!?"

"I killed his daughter with your body and now he thinks that it was you who murdered his daughter."

"Why would you do that!? you can't just kill his daughter! He was the only friend i had! and even if you wanted to murder her, you could've done it with your own body! Now he fucking hates me!"

"I killed her for a reason. A reason that i can't tell you."

"You killed my best friend's daughter! Of course you need to tell me the reason why! Unless you killed her for fun!?"

"No! I can't tell you!"

"And why not!?"

"Because i just can't! Don't test my patience William!"

He just sigh and pinches the bridge of his nose.

"You know what nevermind..just ask the other questions."

"..well you know the murders that has been happening in your own pizzeria?"

He looks nervous for a second before saying


"Why are you nervous all of the sudden?"


"Right...but anyways do you by any chance know who the murderer is?"


Oh shit.
What's the point in hiding it anymore?
Might as well tell him..

"You're talking to him right now."

"What do you mean-"

The realization hit him and i could see the surprised look on his face.

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