Chapter 70

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William let me do a test on him today to figure out why the remnant isn't working. I already took some of his blood to run some tests and i found something weird. Half of the remnant that i put in his body are gone, only a small amount of them are left in his body which explained why the remnant didn't heal his wound. But the question is..what cause the remnant to just disappear like that..?

Now I'm currently in the basement, running more tests on William's blood while playing with Layla since William literally seduced me just so he could go to work today.

That man is going to be the death of me one day..
Oh wait I'm already dead nevermind.
I hear Layla whine and i look to see that her toy fell. I pick it up and puts it back on Layla's lap.
Layla continues to play and i feel a small smile forming on my face. I caress her cheek as i admire her cute facial features but then.. that's when i realize something.

Her eyes.
They are a beautiful yet abnormal violet color. I never paid attention to it that much. But then i now realize that her eyes are not normal. No one in the world has an eye color like how is this possible..

I think about the time when William got injected with the remnant. His beautiful hazel eyes turned purple as an effect of the remnant. What if.. can't be..
Layla can't be the reason why the remnant in William's body wasn't working..

I need to take a bit of her blood so that i could see what's really going on here. But I'm not doing it without William's permission. He would kill me if he finds out that I'm doing tests on our daughter without him knowing. I grab my phone from the table and quickly dials William's number. The phone rings for a moment before William finally picks it up.

"Will, it's me Liam"
"Oh! Well why did you call me? Is something wrong? Are you okay?"
"Yes William, I'm fine. But i don't think Layla is."
"..what..? Is she okay!? Is she hurt!? Is she sick!?-"
"No she isn't hurt and no she isn't sick. least i don't think she is.."
"Then what's wrong with her!? What's wrong with my child!?"
" know how the remnant that i put in your body wasn't working..?"
"What does that have to do with all this?"
"And you know how your eyes turned purple after i injected the remnant in you..?"
"Yes..Liam what are you talking about here? I just want to know if Layla is okay."
"Just..come home please. Forget about work today. There's something i need to show you."
"What-? But i already promised-"

I hung up on him and i look over at Layla again who is just innocently playing with her toy.
Even if she is the reason..
I won't treat her any differently.
She's my daughter and I love her no matter what.
I kiss her head as she wraps her tiny arm around my finger and starts biting it.


After the call with Liam, i told the children that Liam said he needs to show something important and they let me go home. All that i could think about while driving home is if my baby is okay? What was Liam talking about? Or what did he mean by he wanted to show me something!?

Is he trying to lure me to have sex with him or something-?
Is this revenge for seducing Liam earlier this morning-?
God these questions hurt my head way too much.
I finally got back home and i slam the front door open.
"Liam! I'm back! Are you at the basement or something!?"
I quickly go to to the basement and as i walk down the stairs, i feel slightly nervous for what I'm about to see there.

I peel my head slightly to see Liam sitting on a chair with Layla on his lap playing.
"Liam. I'm here, what do you want to show me..? Also is Layla okay..?"
I rush over to her and picks her up, looking for any type of injury.

"She's fine. I think.."
" don't sound so sure..what the actual hell is going on..?"
"Take a seat Will." He said as he let out a sigh.
I sit on one of the chairs as the feeling of anxiety slowly creeps up on me.

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