Chapter 91

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The streetlights danced in and out through the window as the taxicab drove idly by. Sassi and I had just landed from New York and the driver dropped her off first at her apartment. I just wished the taxi driver could get home already. I had something itching to do.

I looked at the dark evening sky. There was no moon tonight, and my mind drifted like the lingering clouds above. Dimitri looked good, he looked strong and self-assured. My heart ached to see him sitting at the defense, knowing he was taking my place.

The judgement stung even more. He was going back to prison, the place he hated most. He seemed okay with the sentencing, but the time apart from him made me feel ill. I closed my eyes and breathed in the fresh cool night air as I opened the cab's window.

The nausea hadn't fully passed yet. I was brimming with emotions coming from all angles: anxiety, fear, joy, excitement, remorse, sadness. I didn't know if it was because of Dimitri going back to prison or my raging hormones.

My thoughts were snapped back to reality from the vibration in my purse. I took out my phone and picked up.

"Hi mom." I said, feeling exhausted.

"Hey Sweetie, how did it go?" Mom said in a worried voice.

"Okay I guess, the trial was quick, Dimitri's found not guilty of murder but he's still doing some time because he violated his parole." I said wearily.

"I understand. It's not the news you wanted, but it could've been worse. You sound tired, dear?" she said. I felt the tenderness in her voice that always wanted to bring me to tears. But I was done with crying, there were no tears left to spill. And anyway, I had to be strong, not just for me, not just for Dimitri, but for the precious little life inside of me.

The taxi hit a bump in the road, that made me jerk slightly. My hand protectively held my lower belly.

"Yes, I'm tired. It's been a long two days. Just want to go home and sleep." I said. Knowing all too well, it's been one hell of a journey.

"Okay dear, goodnight, chat soon about the details tomorrow. Patrick says goodnight too." She said, a smile in her voice.

"Good night to the newlyweds." I said playfully and hung up.

I desperately needed a good night's rest, but there was one more thing I was dying to do before I called it a night. Dimitri didn't know the big secret, not even my mom knew, only Sassi, of course.

There was important news to tell Dimitri, happy news, and a letter seemed appropriate. Nothing can replace the old charm of a love letter. It's got nothing over texts, calls and emails. These letters are a witness in our love story, from beginning to end.

Since the court recalled Dimitri to serve his sentence at his previous prison, I already had his prison details that would remain unchanged.

The taxi thankfully neared the townhouse and made a complete stop in front of my doorway. I hopped out and grabbed my suitcase, and jogged up the entryway. Once inside, I switched on the kitchen light that provided light to the desk in the hallway. I dropped my suitcase and walked towards it.

Taking a seat at my little wooden desk, I took out my signature light pink envelopes and white paper and placed them down neatly. I grabbed a black pen and wrote desperately, pouring my heart out into each word. It seemed I had some tears left in me after all, as it rolled down my face.

I wrote and wrote, every need, hope, and desire etched in it. This time, however, I didn't end off with 'regards', or 'all the best' or 'from'. This time I signed it with all my love.

After twenty minutes, I was done. The words just seemed to flow out of me. I grasped the letter in my hand and read it once more.

Dearest Dimitri,

Sometimes it feels so unreal. It feels like I'm in a dream. I can't imagine that I'm yours and you're mine.

Being apart from you is more difficult than I ever imagined. I ache to be near you again. Tonight, as I write this letter, it's like you're right here with me. I feel your hand on my shoulder, your fingers in my hair, and the soft breath of your kiss on the side of my neck as you hug me from behind. They warm me up and make me feel safe.

I miss you Dimitri.

I miss holding your arms and cuddling you up. I wish you were here with me.

It's not easy being so many miles away from you, or that we forced apart. I will count every hour of every day until I wrap my arms around you again.

You came into my life when I felt rejected, but you made me feel like I could be myself completely. While writing this letter, it filled me with tears. Every day opens another page of our beautiful story. We have the pen in our hands to write something beautiful.

Even though I'm not physically with you. Just know every night I'm right there next to you, sleeping on your beating chest.

We've been through a lot together. Life tried to tear us apart, but we made our way back to each other.

Come back to me Dimitri, safe and sound. Be good for us... for me and your baby growing inside me. You have your family who loves you and waiting for your return.

All my love,

Yours forever, Lillie

I was happy with the letter; it was bittersweet. I kissed the bottom where I signed my name. Rose shaded lips stained behind. I hope he kisses it every day, I playfully thought. I folded the letter and placed it in the pink envelope, licking it closed. Nostalgia overcame me, filled with secret, sweet memories of the past.

I wrote the Wentworth State Prison address in Texas, along with his name.

Dimitri Hawke, Inmate 29901

Letters to Inmate 29901Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin