Confiding / Apologies

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Jason's POV

Although tension was still high, things seemed to finally be calming down. As much as they could with Tim still in the hospital anyway.

Hopefully, that would only be till later this afternoon though. As long as the Doctor was sure Tim was doing well, I'd be taking him home.


That word gave me an odd feeling. Not a bad one, but it was new and strange. It didn't just mean the place I lived anymore. No, it was so much more than that now.

It was anywhere Tim was. Anywhere we were together. Whether it was my estate, or his home in New York, as long as I was with him, I felt at home.

So far, no one was at each other's throats and relationships between all of us were working towards the better.

Overall, there was a calm in the air. Especially over me, but a calm that definitely wasn't there before.

Notably with Dick...he had been on edge. Distant. Now though, even his disposition was softer. More gentle and lax.

I knew he was worried about his relationship with Tim, but I also knew Tim still loved him and appreciated that Dick was here for him.

The thoughts circulating around in my head had me zoned out as I waited for Roy out front on the entrance steps.

Jack is dead. Tim is safe. Bruce is even gonna let Tim stay with me. Here in Italy. We're gonna be together.

I couldn't be happier. My heart felt full. It felt fixed. For the first time in my life, I now know how my father felt with my mother. I knew that love he talked about with zeal. All the stories he had told me and the emotions he described, I felt them all.

All because I asked a random guy if I could buy him a drink. For no other reason than I was feeling frisky. Impulsive. Spontaneous.

That simple act of spontaneity changed my life forever.

I couldn't help the elated smile that spread across my face. Or the warmth that covered my cheeks as I thought about my future. Tim's future. Our future.

The feeling was refreshing to say the least. Welcoming and warm. Maybe because Tim had put the feeling there. Maybe because I was just finally happy. Either way, I never wanted it to end.

Soft steps brought me out of my thoughts and I turned slightly, watching as Damian came up beside me.

He was carrying an intensely thoughtful look on his face, his hands shoved into his jacket pockets.

"Hey, kiddo. Comin to enjoy the fresh air?" It was the perfect temperature outside for this time of year. At least I thought so. I patted the space next to me on the steps, offering him a smile.

With a heavy sigh, he nodded and sat down, removing his hands from his pockets.

He leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees, thinking hard about something. Someone. It was about Tim, that much was obvious.

After a moment of silence, I leaned towards him, gently nudging his shoulder with my own. "Need to talk about somethin? I'm a pretty good listener you know."

We sat for another minute in silence before he sighed out and looked up at the sky, leaning back with his elbows on the steps behind him.

The air around us seemed still, but comfortable as he started to speak.

"I don't want to leave." He sounded choked up, confused, like what he said didn't make sense in his own head.

"Italy is nice isn't it. A really beautiful place." Shrugging, I hoped I said the right thing.

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