Chapter 25

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Erwin POV

"Erwin! Are you fucking listening?"

Levi's grumpy voice got Erwin to blink rapidly, back in the present with his subordinate who was sitting opposite him on a small couch, one leg thrown over the other. He eyed the other man as if he were a being from a strange world while caressing Izzy.

The giant beast was sprawled out on his lap, a part of her furry body resting next to his thighs.

"Yeah. Sorry."

"What's got your knickers in a twist, Eyebrows? Need to take a shit?"

Erwin laughed softly at Levi's remark, his strong way of speech diverting his attention from the strange thoughts that followed Erwin wherever he went. Thoughts of the seductive, beautiful servant boy he had rescued twice now.

"The ceremony is tomorrow. Will you be there?", Erwin responded to the younger's question and walked over to the window where he could oversee the whole garden, colored red and golden in the light of the sunrays the afternoon gifted them with.

"Why do you care? It's not like there's a fucking reason for me to go to a shitshow like that."

"It will be a great anniversary for the king. His twentieth if I remember correctly."

Levi snorted and Izzy raised her head at the strange sound of her owner, resting it in his lap again once he convinced her with gentle pats on her neck that everything was fine.

"Beats me. I couldn't care less how long that fucker has been hectoring Eldia's people." He watched the blond with a heeding expression dancing over his otherwise stoic and grumpy face. "Unless there is a special reason for us to be there other than our responsibilities."

Erwin didn't fool himself into thinking that Levi hadn't noticed how he balled his fists at the comment even though no reaction could be seen on his face.

"Is it that servant boy?" Levi's question confirmed it. "Eyebrows, what the fuck are you thinking so hard about? Someday there will be steam coming out of your ears."

"I think she will come."


He flinched at the mention of her name. Shouldn't he be happy to hear her name? Shouldn't he be able to see her in front of his inner eye with thoughts of how beautiful and kind she was?

He nodded, arms tense.

"How is she? I haven't seen her for quite a while."

"She's fine."

"Then stop worrying. What's on your mind that's got you so stressed out lately?"

Erwin sighed and ran a hand through his hair. He knew Levi suspected the real reason for his unusual behavior but thankfully refrained from asking any more about it.

"I will go and see if there is anything else to prepare in beforehand."

Levi didn't stop the general from leaving and kept patting his dog, a frown on his forehead and his eyes narrowed.

- - -

He walked down an empty corridor, no real destination in mind.

Sometimes it would help him to clear his mind to aimlessly strode around, not planning on doing anything. The best of his battle-strategies had been worked out that way.

But today nothing was as usual.

Soon enough he found himself walking in the direction of the servant's wing.

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