Chapter 94

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Eren POV

Erwin was the one to usher them out of the room, telling them that Armin and the boy – who's name was Lio, as they gathered from his words – needed rest. Mikasa dragged her brother out of the room when Eren was about to start a fight with the Commander and together they headed for Pixi's room.

But when they stepped into the room, glancing at the few birds and owls sitting in their cages, the man was obviously elsewhere and so they were left alone in the silence of the room – safe for the screeching of the animals.

Eren pressed his hands up against his face.

"This is a mess.", he muttered through his fingers, eyes too tired to stay open any longer.

"He is safe. Both of them are."

"I could care less about the Commander and you know it."

Mikasa stayed back and gave him some space. Space that he desperately needed to sort out his thoughts. Armin was safe. The Commander had brought him back, just like Eren had expected. He pinched the bridge of his nose.

This is all...wrong. Too many variables. And Grisha has yet to return my favor of ruining his plans.

"We can't wait anymore.", he finally said and opened his eyes to Raes' curious and calm gaze, trained on him. The midnightdancer sat across the room on a chair, claws sunken deep in the furniture. Eren shuddered when he thought back to the pain of his transformation and wondered what it would be like to stay that...something forever. "We need to take action."

"You need to meet the Queen again.", Mikasa pointed out. "Her support is necessary for our plans to succeed."

"We can't reveal our final weapon until the palace is in my control." Eren narrowed his eyes in concentration and folded his hands behind his back. He sent Mikasa a sharp glare. "Armin and the Commander. Tell me what you're thinking."

It was unusual to see Mikasa hesitating and Eren raised an eyebrow at her.

"Armin is back. Safe. And Erwin is the one who made that possible.", she started slowly. "You wanted to strengthen the connection between the two of them and it worked. I don't think Erwin will object to anything Armin wants from him."

"Same goes for my lunatic father."

"It's different."


"They share a connection of a different kind. And now there's also Lio..."

Eren frowned and turned around until his back was facing Mikasa, hands clenched and back upright.

"Why should that child matter in any way?"

"It's the way Erwin treats him. Both of them. I can't say how they came together nor do I wish to know what hardships Armin had to face in our absence. But-"

"You think this child is important to Erwin."

He knew she nodded even without looking at her. He sighed and lowered his head down until his chin was resting on his chest. A hum rumbled in his chest as he thought her words over.

The Commander cares about Armin. About that child. And about this girl father mentioned. All of them are targets for him should he need something from Erwin.

"This could become a problem for us.", he drawled and walked over to Raes, raising his hand high enough for the midnightdancer to properly see. He waited for the animal to allow his touch and did so when he bowed his head. "My father won't hesitate to use them against Erwin whenever he wishes to avenge his arm."

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