Chapter 61

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John took a bag from off of BJ's head. BJ was looked around. They were in a dimmed lighted room and BJ was tied up to the chair he was sitting in.

"I'm just going to get straight to the point. That girl you were talking to, i need your help to get to her", John said.

"For what?", BJ asked.

"That ain't none of your fucking business", John said.

"...what girl?", BJ asked.

"The one you were talking to before we picked you up", John replied.

"I don't know her. I was just asking her about something",  BJ said.

John picked up a wrench.

"We can do this the easy way or the hard way. Just don't lie", John said.

BJ looked at the wrench. He didn't know exactly what he was going to do with it.

"... alright fine", BJ said. "What you want to know?"



Dre was driving around. They just wanted to see and talk to the kids about the whole situation.

"You told them to come didnt you?", Andrea asked Adrienne.

"She didn't", Dre said. "We decided to our selves"

"Dad, you're not going to be here forever so it's time we start handling stuff on our own", Andrea said.

"Well as long as I'm alive, I'm going to do what I can for you guys", Dre said.

"Andrea...don't you think these people might be after you and mistaken Adrienne for you?", Aaliyah asked.

Andrea didn't say anything.

"And if that's the case, they gone love that you got a twin and that puts the both of you in danger", Dre said.

"We'll be fine as long as we do the buddy system like mom told us to do", Andrea said.

"Look Andrea..sometimes these guys don't give a fuck if it's broad day like. They will come for you full force. Trust me, I know. I've gotten myself in so much shit when I was younger", Aaliyah said.

Andrea sighed.

"Are you acting like that because you're scared? Is that it?", Dre asked.

"That's what I'm saying", Adrienne said.

"Hush", Aaliyah said.

"...yea", Andrea answered softly. "I just don't want it to be true"

"Well...your dad and I will be in town. We won't be aggravating y'all. We know you have to study. Call us if you need us", Aaliyah said

"Now...I'm going to drop y'all back off so me and your mom can get back into the hotel. Anything y'all need? Food?Drinks?", Dre asked.

"Money", Adrienne said.

"I already gave y'all, your allowance", Dre said.

Adrienne folded her arms.

Suddenly, she got a notification and it was Aaliyah sending her money on Cash App.

Adrienne smiled and put her phone back down.

"And that little boy you was outside with at this time of night, don't do that shit no mo.", Dre said.

"So Adrienne could sneak out and see Jeremiah but now that we have some type of freedom, I can see someone?", Andrea asked.

"Adrienne did what?", Dre asked.

Adrienne rolled her eyes.

"I am so tired of you dad. Just stay out of my business and stay out of my life", Andrea said.

By the time Andrea said that, he was in front of her building.

"Who you talking to like that?", Dre asked.

Andrea opened the door.

"Get yo ass back in this car", Dre said.

"Dre...let her go", Aaliyah said. "I'll talk to her tomorrow"

Andrea slammed the door and Dre almost got out of the car until Aaliyah grabbed his arm.

Dre jerked away from Aaliyah but he stayed in the seat.

"Don't touch me", he mumbled.

Aaliyah made a face.

Dre started driving.

"Dre she's in a bad place right now. She's acting out, out of fear. You have to understand that", Aaliyah said.

"Hush. Please", he said.

Aaliyah rolled her eyes.

Dre went to Adrienne's dorm building and dropped her off. After that, him and Aaliyah went back to the hotel.


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