4. you're mean

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for the last few hours, taehyung does nothing more than sway with the movement of horse and tired eyes drooping with sleep.

his neck hurts, thighs ache, throat too dry and mouth stings from were the cloth is tied. when the strain on his neck got too much, he unconsciously leaned his weight onto the chest at his back as he slipped in and out of sleep.

next time he fully awoke, it was when the horse slowed down.

morning sunlight was peeking through the trees and taehyung thinks they're somewhere away from population.

now that the darkness faded, his tired and groggy eyes tried to stay open as much as it can, to look at all the scenery. there isn't much to see- just more and more trees, but thats different than what he sees at palace. so everything was new to the omega prince.

he also noticed three other horses bolting along with them, their riders all had their faces half covered like the alpha with him.

when the horses completely slowed down with a neigh, taehyung was wide awake and the fear started creeping back to him again. he still doesnt know what his kidnappers want from him.

taehyung saw a small clearing among all the tress and a hut at the middle, with all sorts of creeping plants and bushes surrounding it.

the alpha on whom he is leaning suddenly got off the horse and taehyung dangerously swayed on top, a startled sound escaping his throat.

but a hand by his waist steadied him and swiftly lifted him off the horse like he weighed nothing.

taehyungs leg buckled, numb being on the horse for so long. he let out a pained whimper through the cloth restricting his mouth when his legs gave out.

but the same alpha had caught him, his large hands enveloped his torso and almost dragged him inside the hut, depositing him onto a dusty bed. taehyungs face had hit the coarse material of the bed and he let out a weak sneeze when the dust got in his nose.

the hut had only one room with two windows, a cupboard and one bed on which taehyung in now laying on.

taehyungs breathing got laboured in fear as he saw the silhouettes of other alphas clambering into the small hut and their murmurings. his wide eyes went here and there watching the way they carried things inside the hut.

and minutes later two alphas were stretching and settling on the floor not even acknowledging taehyungs existence.

the omega was so exhausted from hunger and the trip. his tied wrists ached and his throat was parched. his omega not at all liked the mixed unknown scents having being not used to it. he was in so much distress.

taehyung had almost let his eyes droop when he felt a hand on his arm. his defenses has locked in the second, flailing his legs in panic at the intruder.

but a hand had caught his leg mere centimeters away from the alphas crotch.

"shit.. whoa hey calm down" one of the companion of his kidnapper alpha had said wide eyed, maybe mortified that his balls would have got crushed seconds ago.

taehyung watched with unbatted eye every movements of the alpha as he cautiously came forward again.

"just gonna untie you" he mumbled as he pulled the rope off the omegas hands followed by the one on his mouth.

"there you go" the said alpha flashed a heart shaped smile as if they weren't the cause of this situation to begin with.

the omega sighed out licking his parched lip and rubbed his wrist that had gotten swollen again.

"damn, did jeon twist your wrist?" the alpha who had helped him asked seeing the condition of his wrist.

untrusting, taehyung decided to not let them know the actual reason of it and just hugged his knees leaning on the wall.

in his periphery he saw the cheery alpha sit next to a smaller alpha who looks like he could burn anything with his stare and land a peck on his lip. then the smaller had nuzzled into the others neck.

taehyung was scandalized.

arent they both alphas? why are they kissing? is this how outside world works?

taehyungs internal monolog stopped when the other two alphas entered the hut with a plate.

"oh finally i'm starving" the cheery alpha had exclaimed.

taehyung watched the way the alphas interact. they look like they know each other well. taehyung wonders what on earth they want from him.

the omega continued watching them in curiosity; their attire and their faces.

now that no one has their faces covered, taehyung understands all four of them are young alphas. the one who kidnapped him has raven hair, a sculpted face and handsome features.

he unconsciously craned his neck to get a good view of the others face and when the alpha turned, he again averted his eyes to his hands.

he peeked again to see; the alphas were now settled on the floor and eating something. it looked like sweet potato and taehyung again painfully remembered the fact that he hadn't ate anything in two days.

"want some?" maybe seeing the longing look on his face, one of the alphas with a dimpled smile offered.

taehyungs eyes almost sparkled in gratefulness.

"why are you giving it to the omega? these palace mutts eat more than enough" the kidnapper alpha growled out, eyes glared in clear anger and taehyung curled in on himself, hands clutching the robe.

"you're mean" the omega mumbled with a pout and startled when he heard a clatter of plate.

"mean?" the said alpha stood up menacingly with a mocking laugh.

"you thought we dragged you here to treat you, your highness" the alpha spitted out, now standing right infront of the curled up form of the omega.

"be grateful i haven't beaten you to pulp yet bitch" he snarled eyes flashing red at the omega and the other whimpered in submission.

"Jungkook" the dimpled alphas voice boomed in warning.

the raven haired alpha pulled off his own robe that was on the omega as if to restraint himself from physically hurting him and barged out of the hut with a rumble.

meanwhile taehyung was shaking with tears pooling his eyes. he was nothing new to angry alphas or beatings, but it never get less hurting. and above all he was confused, scared and exhausted.

he clutched the material of his blush nightgown and hiccuped.

"was this his lifes way of aiding him to a painful death?" the omega thought.

then he felt someone near him in his field of vision and he instinctively cowered. but the dimpled alpha was outstretching a plate with few sweet potatoes and a bottle to him.

taehyungs shaking hands accepted it with tears still rolling down his face. he muttered a small "thankyou" and the alpha acknowledged it with a gentle smile.

all the alphas went out of the hut leaving taehyung alone.

would it hurt for his kidnapper charming to be a little nice too? the omega thought.

nevertheless, he took big bites of the sweet potato and sighed at the creaminess. he quenched his thirst and stretched his legs.

taehyung just found consolation in the fact that, things cant probably get worse than how it used to be.


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