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After receiving the invite to this ‘ball’ Jason thought it was a bad idea.

But as soon as Pattie called letting us know how excited she was to see us, we couldn’t let her down.

I had no kind of dresses for this kind of ball since it’s kind of a tradition from years ago, I didn’t even know they still do these things.

But Pattie reassured me over the phone that she had a dress that would be perfect for me.

Both me and Jason arrived there. Jason looked kind of pissed off about this idea of getting ready here.

I rested my hand on top of his, to calm him down a bit.

“Everything’s going to be alright, let’s just get this over and done with okay?” I told him.

He nodded his head and pecked my lips before we both headed towards the door of this huge house.

It was magnificent.

 As soon as we both arrived to the door, a guy that was dressed in a suit opened the door like he knew straight away that we were here.

Jason nodded his head to his direction ‘thanking’ him on the way in.

I took in my surroundings, stunned to see this big opened spaced area and to the right was a huge stair-case as I guessed would be the way to the bedrooms.

I didn’t realize that my mouth was wide open until Jason lifted up my chin making me close my mouth.

“I think you should close your mouth, don’t want to catch flies” He smirked.

Jason took hold of my hand and squeezed it tightly.

I looked over towards the stair-case to see his father at the top making his way down towards us with a grin on his face.

I frowned. “Well I’m surprised to see you Jason” Jason glared at him.

He then turned to me with a smile on his face.

“Pattie is upstairs waiting for you, just go down the long corridor and turn left you won’t miss it” I nodded.

I was about to walk away but Jason kept a firm grip on my hand, preventing me from going anywhere.

“Jason let go” I told him.

He kept glaring towards him.

“I think you should let her go son, you wouldn’t want to hurt her now would you” He spoke, again.

Jason let go of my hand slowly and kissed my cheek “Be careful” He whispered into my ear.

I nodded my head smiling, which he returned.

I left up towards the stairs and used the directions that Jason’s dad told me to go.

I have to say this corridor is longer than I thought it would be, it’s like a hotel.

I got closer to the end and took the left side which led me to a big huge room.

I heard the sound of humming and knew who it was.

Pattie was standing there looking at different kind of shoes; I guess she was wondering which one she would want to wear for tonight.

Pattie looked up and smiled in my direction, making her way towards me.

She held out her arms pulling me in for a hug, I accepted.

“I’m so glad you’re here. I have the dress waiting for you in the closet over there, come I’ll show you” I was really excited to see this.

She guided me towards the closet, which I must add was also damn huge.

She pulled me to a rack of many different varieties of dresses that made me just want them all.

As she was looking through the dressed trying to find the right one, she finally pulled it out. I gasped.

“Pattie, it’s gorgeous!” I held it in my hands carefully as if it was something I would cherish for the rest of my life.

“Wait until Jason sees you in this, you’ll look fabulous” I smiled.

“Thank you so much, I love it” I told her.

“Oh don’t worry about it” She chuckled.

I couldn’t wait to try this on; I wonder what Jason would think when he sees me tonight.

I snapped out from my thoughts when Pattie grabbed my wrist and pulled me back into the bedroom.

As I walked in I saw two girls standing in there, both with smiles on their faces.

“Nicola, this is Maria she’ll be doing our hair” She pointed towards the first girl, who gave me a small wave. “And this is Stacey; she’ll be doing our make-up”

When the word ‘Stacey’ came out from Pattie’s mouth, I instantly thought about my dead best friend.

Pattie saw that I was feeling uncomfortable and spoke.

“Nicola, you okay?” She asked me. I covered it up with a fake smile.

“Yeah, I’m fine” I could tell that she wasn’t convinced at first, but she let it go.

She guided me first towards Maria who would do my hair.

I took a seat while Pattie took a seat beside me where Stacey would be doing her make-up.

Even after all this time I felt horrible.

I never got to see my best friend’s funeral nor their graves.

It was my fault they had gotten killed.

They didn’t deserve to die, they were innocent.

They never did anyone any harm. It’s my entire fault.

“So Nicola, has Jason proposed yet?” Pattie asked.

I was confused why would she ask me such a question.

“Excuse me?” I was confused.

“Oh it’s nothing, sorry” She shook her head, chuckling.

I looked down at my fingers, fumbling with them.

‘Why would she ask me something like that? Even if Jason did propose, would I be ready?’ I thought.

Prince of Darkness• Jason McCann•  (#Wattys2015)Where stories live. Discover now