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Right now we were having dinner with Pattie and Jeremy in their huge dining room.

I sat beside Jason while Pattie and Jeremy sad opposite us.

We were eating our food in silence until Pattie decided to speak.

"So, when are you guys going to plan the wedding?" Pattie asked.

To be honest I don't think me and Jason have been thinking about that.

And with everything that's going on I don't think we'll be able to plan it any sooner.

I looked up from my food while Pattie and Jeremy looked at us both waiting on an answer.

"We haven't even planned anything yet to be honest" I spoke, biting my lip.

I saw a sparkle in Pattie's eyes as if she had some sort of idea in her head.

"I'd love to plan everything for you guys, you could even get married here it would be amazing" She looked over and Jeremy and he nodded in approval.

I smiled thinking about her idea, but I didn't want her planning this all on her own.

"Oh Pattie you don't hav-"I was interrupted by Pattie shaking her head.

"No, it's honestly fine I love planning weddings I have so many ideas" The smile on her face didn't seem to fade.

She seems happy to plan this wedding, but I was obviously going to help her too.

I looked over at Jason and noticed a smile beginning to place itself onto his lips.

"Okay, but I'm helping to I'm not letting you do everything on your own" I told her. Her smile instantly brightened as she began to squeal.

"I can't wait this is going to be amazing" She squealed, clapping her hands.

Jason put his hand onto my leg and squeezed it, lightly. I looked over to him and saw a real smile on his face.

I looked away from him and eat the last of my food on my plate.

"I heard it was your birthday the other day" Jeremy spoke up, causing us to all look over at him.

"Uh....yeah it was" I spoke, wondering how he'd know that.

I guess Jason must've told him, right?

Jeremy clicked his fingers and the Butler came in with a small wrapped up gift beside me.

I looked at it like, should I take it or what?

Pattie nodded her head, telling me to take it and open it.

I took it from the Butlers hand and began to unwrap it. When it was all unwrapped it was a black box.

I opened it and saw the most beautiful necklace ever, I smiled. On the front of it was a half gold heart.

I frowned when I thought about the other half.

"It's beautiful thank you so much" I told them both, they nodded.

I closed the box and left it beside my plate on the table.

After we were all finished our food, we talked for a while.

After the long talk was over we went our separate ways and headed towards our bedrooms.

When me and Jason arrived into our room, he walked over to the bed and laid down onto it.

I walked over and laid down beside him, cuddling. I put my hand up his shirt and caressed his abs.

We both laced our hands together as we lay their liking each other's company.

Thoughts were beginning to rise into my head. I didn't want to go back to sleep knowing that someone was going to be there.

It's like there just waiting for me to fall asleep and kill me while he/she can.

I just wanted to go to sleep knowing that I'd be safe, with nothing to worry about.

And then the thought of the necklace, where was the other half?

"Jason?" I spoke through the silence; he hummed for me to go on.

"Where's the other half of the necklace your parents gave me?" I looked at him and noticed a smile on his face.

"I have it, they said to me when I find the one they'd give that person the other half. So then that we'd have each other's hearts, forever" I smiled.

"Wow" I was happy that they would do something so nice like that.

"How about you put it on" He told me, I nodded.

I got out of his embrace and walked over towards the necklace. I took it out from the box.

I was going to walk over to Jason to put it on, but when I turned around he was there.

I jumped a bit of how quick he got there, but it didn't surprise me at all.

I handed the necklace to him, while I turned around and put my hair at the side.

When he put it on I felt the cold of the necklace touch my chest.

I turned back around to Jason and smiled. I noticed that he also had the same one I was wearing around his neck.

How come I never noticed that?

"Promise me you'll wear this all the time" I frowned, but wouldn't I want to take it off in the shower?

"Okay, I promise" The smile resurfaced back onto Jason's face.

He put both hands onto my cheeks and kissed my lips, softly. He let go and kissed my forehead, I giggled.

"I love you" I told him.

"I love you too" He told me, I smiled.

We both got ready for bed and this was what I was dreading the whole day. I just don't want to go back to sleep and I'm not planning to either.

I lay down on the bed under the covers looking at the ceiling; Jason got in beside me and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"I'm scared" I finally let out, Jason let go of me and hovered over me.

"I promise you, you're not going to have any more nightmares" He told me.

"I just don't want to go to sleep knowing that they're there waiting for me" I felt a tear slip out from my eye.

Jason noticed and brought his thumb across my face and wiped it away.

"Trust me Nicola; you'll have no more nightmares. Just please go to sleep" I closed my eyes for a minute and nodded my head.

"Okay" I whispered, he kissed my forehead.

His arms rewrapped their way around my waist as I closed my eyes, ready for the dreams that wait for me.

Prince of Darkness• Jason McCann•  (#Wattys2015)Where stories live. Discover now