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7 Months Later…..

I’m finally eighteen today, I couldn’t believe that I’m eighteen already.

The nightmares of Jason have stopped which is a relief that he’s finally left me alone.

Anyway I’ve forgotten about the whole thing and moved on.

I’ve made two new friends Anna and her boyfriend Mark.

I’ve graduated from high school and I’ve gotten into a college and today was the day I was packing for it.

I just wanted to forget everything that has happened by letting go and getting on with my life.

There were boxes surrounding the room where I have been putting all of my belongings into them.

I picked up the picture frame of me on the left, Gina in the middle and Stacey on the right.

I smiled remembering the day that photo was taken.

It was the day we all camped out in the summer by a lake near Stacey’s house.

I sighed placing it into one of the boxes next to me.

Tonight my Mom was going to a party, I was asked to come but, I said I’d stay at home since it could be a long time before I do come back.

I left the covers on my bed, until tomorrow.

The door creaked open to reveal my Mom; she poked her head in through the door. “Mind if I come in?” She asked.

I nodded my head.

She walked towards my bed and sat down patting the space beside her.

I sat down beside her wondering what she wanted.

“Do you know the way you’re eighteen today?” I nodded my head, smiling.

She reached into her pocket and pulled out a car key.

“Well you do know what I’m talking about right?” She chuckled.

“Oh my god Mom, you didn’t?” I asked excitedly. She nodded her head.

“Go Outside” She whispered to me. I jumped off the bed and hugged her so tight.

I let go running out the door and down the staircase in a hurry towards the front door. I opened it to reveal a black range rover.

I squealed jumping up and down seeing this amazing car sitting In front of my eyes, I opened the door of the car and got inside.

I sat down on the leather seats admiring everything about the car.

I hopped back out of the car rushing towards my Mom who was standing at the door, smiling.

I ran into her hugging her once again, nearly knocking her down in the process.

“I take it that you like it then, Happy Birthday Nicola” She chuckled, lightly.

“Like it? I Love it!” I squealed. “If Gina and Stacey-” I stopped, realizing what I was about to say.

My Mom realized to and rubbed my back whispering in my ear lightly ‘I know’ again and again.

I let go from the hug and wiped a tear from my eye. “Why don’t you come help me pick out a dress at the mall today?” I nodded, smiling at her.

“And you can drive” I smiled once again.

My Mom always knew how to cheer me up; I don’t know what I’d do without her in my life.


Me and my Mom drove to the nearby mall.

We haven’t found the perfect dress for her to wear for tonight and I was going to make sure she looked hot tonight.

I was thinking purple.

I walked past one shop but stopped and turned my head seeing the perfect dress hanging on one of those model thingy’s.

I grabbed my Mom’s coat dragging her back towards the dress. She nodded her head, approving.

While my Mom was trying on the dress I walked around the shop taking a look at all the other dresses. I saw a really nice dress, it was red.

I put it towards my body looking through the nearest mirror around and smiling at how nice it looked.

I looked down at my feet but when I looked up I saw Jason across the room smirking at me.

I gasped turning around but he wasn't there anymore, I turned back towards the mirror again and put the dress back.

I frowned, maybe my mind is just playing tricks on me, and I chuckled to myself.

I walked back towards the dressing room where my Mom was.

I sat down closing my eyes, and thinking. I let a tear slide down my cheek thinking about everything that’s happened to me those past couple of months.

I wiped my tears quickly hearing the door to my Mom’s dressing room opening.

She stepped out in the dress looking beautiful. She smiled smoothing it down with her hands.

“What do you think?” she asked. I nodded in approval.

“You look gorgeous” I smiled; she smiled back at me and walked back into the dressing room to change back into her clothes.

I sighed biting my nails. ‘I can’t believe I seen him again.’ I thought.

My Mom walked out with the dress in her hand.

I followed her towards the cash register, she paid the girl and we walked out towards the food court.

We took a seat at Starbucks; I wasn’t in the mood for something right now.

My Mom ordered hers and I just got a water.

I went into one of the bathrooms and took my bag off my shoulder and put it into one of the sinks and opened it rummaging through it.

As I’m going through my bag looking for my make-up I hear someone whisper my name.

I stop what I was doing and look around and kneel down looking under the toilet cubicles seeing nobody’s feet.

I stand back up but look at the air vent hissing thinking it was only that, I kept looking through my bag.

“Nicola” Someone whispered once again making me turn around quickly, I grit my teeth.

“Is someone there?” I ask.

I hear one of the doors shutting and I kneel back down again looking under the toilet cubicles seeing nothing again.

I breath heavily, terrified.

I stand back up looking around. At the far end cubicle I see a pair of black supras step off the toilet seat.

I grab my bag and run out the door as fast as I could.

 I ran past my mother which confused her.

I ran and ran until I got into the car locking myself inside.

‘Was that him?’ I thought.

I was so scared so I broke into sobs; he’s back and this time for real.


I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, comment down below. Sorry it took me so long to update, thank you so much for your votes already! Love you guys!

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