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After the horrible news that I’ve just found out I walked home fast feeling as if somebody was watching me.

I walked in through the front door of my house slamming the door behind me.

“Mom!” I shouted. My Mom walked out from the kitchen walking towards the basement door.

“Come down to the basement with me, and I’ll tell you who Jason McCann is.” My Mom walked down to the basement and I followed her.

She walked towards the old stove opening it and sitting down beside it.

I kneeled down beside her. “You want to know who Jason McCann is. His father, Jeremy McCann was the murderer who killed your father” I gasped.

“Oh, Mom” I cried.

“It drove me and your two uncles crazy when we didn’t know who it was but it was even worse after they caught him.” My Mom sighed.

“Did they put him away?” I asked her.

“The lawyers got fat and the judge got famous but somebody forgot to sign the search warrant in the right place and Jeremy McCann was free just like that.” My Mom had a few tears slide down her cheeks.

“What did you do, Mom?” I asked her.

“Me, and your two uncles tracked him down after they let him out. We found him, his wife and two children at his house outside town” I frowned.

“Go on” I told her.

“We took gasoline we poured it all around the place and made a trail of it out the door then lit the whole house up and watched it burn.” I started to breath heavily, taking all of this in.

“You and Jason used to be good friends, I’m sorry. But he can’t get you now. Him and his family are dead, honey, because I killed them.”

My Mom pulled out a rag and unfolded it.

I saw a picture frame of some little girl which was me and a boy standing beside each other looking so happy.

“Here’s a picture of you and Jason when you were smaller.” I started to breath heavily once again.

My Mom continued “So it’s okay now. You can sleep.” I nodded my head still looking at the picture frame in my hands.

“Why didn’t you tell me about my friends, why didn’t you tell me about any of this?” I let a few tears slide down my cheeks thinking about everything these past couple of days.

“I couldn’t tell you because you were too stressed out” I nodded my head; my Mom pulled me in for a hug making me cry even more she rubbed my back soothingly.


I sat on my bed thinking about all of this.

I held the picture frame of me Gina and Stacy. I sighed putting it down onto my dressing table.

I walked towards my bed thinking if I should sleep tonight or not.

I was so scared that he could hurt me again.

Mom walked in through the door smiling at me. I pulled the covers over me and lay down; she kneeled down beside the bed.

“It’s over now, Nicola. The nightmare’s over. Please.” I nodded my head.

“Okay.” My Mom then walked out of the room turning off the light and closing the door behind her.

I looked up at the ceiling thinking when was this going to end?


Just looking at her beautiful face as she sleeps makes me smile, I wished I was there with her cuddling her.

I know it hurt her when I killed her friends but it’s the only thing I can do to make her love me and when she has nobody, she’ll turn to me.

When she’s eighteen that’s when I’ll take her and nobody will be in my way, not even her stupid mother.

She thinks it’s the end but it’s just the beginning….

Prince of Darkness• Jason McCann•  (#Wattys2015)Where stories live. Discover now