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After the incident with Alex things have finally calmed down.

There was no sign of Alex anywhere, no trace, no footprints, nothing.

It's like he was wiped off the planet and nowhere to be found.

Jason has not left my side ever since the incident with Alex happened.

We've spent every day with each other it's like nothing can come between us; I guess Jason was right when he said we're meant to be together.

It's like I can never leave him I feel like if I do I'll end up dead, like I just can't live without him in my life.

Right now we're both cuddling on the sofa watching The Big Bang Theory.

There were things running through my head that I still needed to question him about.

Right now it felt like the right moment to ask all of these questions that I've been dying to get answers for.

I bit my lip, sighing.

"Jason?" I called his name softly.

Jason's gaze shifted from the television towards me.

He gave me a look motioning me to ask or tell him anything that was on my mind.

"How did we become soul mates?" Jason smiled, he held onto my waist softly comforting me.

"Ever since we were smaller, I knew we were meant for each other. Ever since I became this I've never stopped looking for you, I needed you in my life Nicola nothing was more important than you, nothing." I smiled.

"How were you brought back, I don't understand?" Jason's smile soon began to fade.

"There are things in this world some people can't explain, Nicola. Ever since that night me and my family were burned to death it hasn't been the same. I'm dead Nicola my soul isn't here anymore it's in hell, were my father dragged it to in the first place. Ever since then I feel like a monster, I wish I had the life you had, a good soul." I hugged Jason tightly, feeling like he needed it.

"Jason, you're not a monster, I love you because you're you and I love you" Jason smiled, kissing my lips.

I could feel the heat from his lips push onto mine passionately.

He let go looking into my eyes.

"I love you too, Nicola" I smiled leaning my head onto his chest, feeling the heat radiate from him.

"Did you ever love anyone else before me?" I asked him.

There was a silence and then I could feel the tension in the air, he started to breath heavily.

I took my head from his chest, looking up at him.

His eyes were beginning to turn red from rage.

I gripped onto his arm to try and calm him down.

"Jason? Jason stop. Jason please." I held my hands on his cheeks.

I instantly let go when a burning sensation hit the palms of my hands from the heat coming from his cheeks.

He was burning up.

I got up from the sofa backing up away from him.

He got up from the sofa making his way towards me.

I kept backing up until I hit the wall.

Jason stood in front of me angrily throwing his fist through the wall beside me, making me squeal.

I looked into his red eyes, terrified.

His gaze was still locked onto me, the red color never leaving his eyes.

"You want to see what happened? I'll show you what happened, look into my eyes" He gestured.

I looked into his eyes, horrible images made their way into my head.

People screaming, the souls of people being taken away to hell.

An image came into my head of a girl who was so much beautiful than me was with a guy, Jason.

They looked happy together, everything that happened to her was the exact same, nightmares, kidnapped etc.

She seemed like she learned how to love him, they were happy.

Suddenly flames were in my head, screams were heard.

The screaming was too much for me everything was too much, a house was burned with her body in there.

I closed my eyes trying to get the screams and images out of my head.

I held onto my head with both my hands trying to make it stop.

"Jason, stop! Make it stop! Jason!" I screamed.

Next thing I know I couldn't take it anymore and darkness entered my vision along with the echoing screams of the girl.


I opened my eyes sitting up instantly from the bed, breathing heavily.

I looked around seeing Jason in the corner of the room in a chair looking out the window.

I got up from the bed making my way towards him.

Once I was there Jason sat there no movement, no nothing.

He just stared out the window, looking outside at the stars twinkling in the sky.

"Come here" Jason spoke faintly.

I stood in front of him; he looked like he'd been crying.

He motioned me to sit on his lap, I did.

"I'm sorry, you shouldn't have seen that. I let my anger get the best of me, I'm sorry Nicola. I'm so sorry" I buried my head into Jason's neck, kissing it softly making him moan.

"Nicola don't" Jason told me.

I took my head from his neck, looking into his eyes.

I kissed his lips softly.

Jason kissed me back, passionately giving me butterflies.

His hands made their way up my shirt to my bra clasp.

Before it all got heated I pulled away.

Our foreheads touching one another.

"What's going to happen to us?" I whispered, softly.

Jason pecked my lips "We're going to spend eternity together. I love you Nicola." I smiled.

"I love you too" Those words were forever stuck in my mind, never leaving.


So I hope you guys liked this chapter, let me know what you think in the comments. Thank you so much for the votes and the lovely comments! 

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