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That morning my Mom brought me to the sleeping disorder hospital, last night I never slept a wink.

I kept drinking coffee and these tablets to stop me from going to sleep.

The nurse and doctor made me lay on a bed and told me to sleep, but I tried refusing.

They stuck wires on the top of my forehead; I sat up refusing once again.

“I don’t see why you couldn’t just give me a pill to keep me from dreaming” I told the doctor.

“Everyone’s got to dream, young lady. If you don’t dream, you go.” He held the pen to his forehead tapping it lightly, telling me he meant that you could go insane.

“Okay. All set.” The doctor told me, my mom stood beside me.

I turned towards her “No” I shook my head.

“Please, Nicola, trust us.” I lifted my head from the pillow.

“It’s not you I don’t trust. It’s just…” My mom ran her hand through my hair I just couldn’t say his name.

I sighed and put my head back onto the pillow.

“Okay. Let’s do it.” My mom pecked the top of my forehead; while the nurse closed the blinds in the room.

They all walked out of the room leaving me alone.

I looked up at the ceiling in thought thinking ‘I can do this, whatever this Jason guy wants from me I’m going to find out right now.’

I closed my eyes falling into a deep sleep, worrying about what’s going to happen.

I opened my eyes the light blinding me, from the windows.

I sat up from the bed looking at my surroundings seeing an unfamiliar room, ‘where the hell am I?’ I thought to myself.

I was in a king sized bed for two and the room was like had like a dark aura to it.

I dragged my legs to the side of the bed feeling a soft carpet on the floor I stood up but then I felt cold.

I looked down at what I was wearing, lingerie. ‘How the hell did I get this on?’ I thought.

I grabbed a silky rope from the end of the bed and covered it around my fragile body.

I walked around the room inspecting it, something then caught my eye.

I walked towards it; it was a picture frame, in it stood four people.

On the left was what looked like parents and on the right were two little boys that looked very happy, I frowned thinking who they could be.

I took my eyes off of the picture frame smelling some weird smell which made me feel sick.

I covered my nose with my hand, coughing.

The smell came from the bedroom door; I walked towards it turning the knob softly.

I opened it nobody was their either. And the smell was gone.

I walked towards the stairs but stopped to see if there was anyone down there. I walked down the stairs quietly, barefoot.

When I got down to the end of the stairs I wrapped my arms around my body feeling very cold.

I looked around at this unfamiliar house asking myself where the hell I am once again, worried.

I then came to the kitchen were the horrible smell hit my nose once again.

I was about to walk out but saw something was boiling in a big pan on the cooker.

I walked towards it covering my nose in the process.

I got to where this thing was cooking and uncovered my nose and took the lid off of the pan, and I regretted it.

In the pan was the head of a deer, I screamed at the top of my lungs and dropped the lid of the pan.

I turned around going to run but bumped into a hard stone like chest, I looked up seeing Jason.

He smirked “Guess you found breakfast” He chuckled.

I gave him a sick look feeling tears trickle down my cheeks. “Aw baby what’s wrong? It’s your favorite” I stood there no words coming out of my mouth, shocked.

This time his eyes weren’t red they were brown. “What you’re not going to scream?” I gulped, trying to get words out.

“What do you want from me?” I whispered hoarsely. He sighed.

“I told you baby, you and only you” He caressed my cheek looking into my brown eyes.

“Why?” I asked him. He chuckled.

“Cause I love you” I was confused of this person in my dreams who I have never met before, I frowned.

“What are you talking about? I don’t know you, I never will know you, and you’ve never met me before. I’ve never talked to you; you’re a creep that stalks my dreams. I hate you, you’re a monster and I’ll never love you!” I shouted in his face.

I don’t think I should have said that because he didn’t look very happy and his eyes began to turn red again.

He grabbed both of my arms tightly and pulled me towards him roughly making me look into his bloody red eyes.

His fingernails suddenly grew a bit long and he dug them into my skin making them bleed, and I began to sob.

“Stop, Please!” I begged.

“Listen to me, you will love me one day because I will make you fucking love me, whether you like it or not. I’ll kill everyone you love if I have to, do you understand!?” I sobbed, begging him to stop.

“No! You sick basterd!” I shouted.

I hit him across the face, hard enough to make his face turn to the right where he had a red mark, but it disappeared.

He turned his head back towards me and chuckled.

“What the fuck are you?” I asked, terrified of how his bruise disappeared in an instant.

“I’m the Devil’s’ son, baby” I gasped for air, feeling no air coming into my lungs, my vision blurred and everything around me turned black.




“Nicola, its Mom!” I heard shouting.

I woke back up in the hospital seeing my Mom and the nurse around me.

“What?” My Mom spoke taking a strand of my hair which was grey; I gasped feeling the air coming back into my lungs.

“Her hair” My Mom spoke once again, surprised and worried.

“Excuse me” I saw the doctor come through with a needle in his hands.

“This’ll help you sleep” I sat up straight away on the bed pushing the doctor away from me.

“No!” I shouted.

“Oh my god, her arms! Get something. What happened Nicola? What happened?” My Mom asked me worried about me.

The nurse started to put bandages on my bloody arms.

“He’s trying to get me Mom, I don’t know what to do” My Mom hugged me, hushing me.

“Who’s after you Nicola” I sobbed.

“Jason McCann” My Mom sighed rubbing my back in comfort.

I was worried of what might happen to my friends and family, was he really going to kill the people I love?


So I hoped you enjoyed this chapter, it will get so much better as the story goes on and thank you for 15 stars!

Prince of Darkness• Jason McCann•  (#Wattys2015)Where stories live. Discover now