Deku vs 13 Ghost

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(Idea came from Monkeypants21)

Soon enough the Guardians were working on the projector as everyone was coming in.

"Hey Guardians what are you doing" ask kendo

"Well we are setting up the projector because we're going to look at another memory of midoriya"

"Speaking about midoriya where is he" mina

"Oh tell him the kids were having so much fun they tired themselves out so we ask Zach to bring them in."

Zach soon came in with midoriya who was asleep who the Guardian Stand levitated over to the projector hooking him up to it.

"Fair warning folks this is about be some fuck-up shit"

Everyone got in their seats as the screen show the title making them confuse and wonder what Midoriya is going to fight.

The screen show UA at night lock down with symbols on the walls and widows as the screams of many people can be heard from the inside.

Nezu and the teachers were worried.

Inside many students begin running down the hall most of them cover in blood as something large was chasing after them. A girl ran into a closet when suddenly large black hands grab her and started to pull her through the darkness. From the outside screaming and banging on the door before you went quiet and a pool of blood began pouring under the door.

"What the hell happening" ask kaminari

At the dorms Iida was crawling on the ground as he be as both of his legs were torn off when suddenly something grabbed them from behind and pull them back as he screams in pain in the sound of a bone-crunching and skin ripping as an inhuman roar was let out.

Mina,momo, jiro and tsuyu ran into the bathroom thinking that they were safe when suddenly a large Shadow looming over them and I have they turn they scream as a figure charge straight from a first POV. They screens show something was scratching them, ripping their clothing, biting off their flesh tearing them to shreds before the screens change to another the boys.

The girls were pale.

Ojiro fighting something when suddenly his tail was grabbed and he was smashed against the wall repeatedly before his tail was ripped off completely and wrapped around his neck before a snapping sound was heard. Sero and Sato were in a room with kirishima, kaminari, shijo and tokoyami who was bleeding.

Something was ramming the door before breaking through then proceeded to walk toward them silly at the camera zoom outside of the room screaming can be heard.

Everyone was pale while the Guardians just watch.

With class 1b kendo was walking with testsu on her shoulder walking past the many bodies of the Fallen classmates when suddenly something step in front of them before it happened they share a kiss as the figure change straight towards them.

This made kendo and testsu blush madly.

"Aw how cute" said mina

"Okay out of all the deaths that was quite lovely" said midnight

"Yeah but that's about it back to the Carnage"

Outside a few heroes were walking inside when the door closed immediately scaring them a little bit. Endeavor turns his head as he thought he saw a weird-looking child standing in front of them and everyone else turned and saw and for a brief moment.

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