Chapter 19 Storm And Silence (rewritten)

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The saddest moment is when
the person who gave you the best memories,
becomes a memory.
Olivia Brown

It had been two days since the gym. Since then, Antonio had ignored me, never looked at me or talked to me. I didn't understand him. I hated that he thought that I was weak and useless, exactly like Mateo thought. I wanted to prove them wrong so bad.

The water dripped down from my body as I made my way out of the bathtub. I wrapped a towel around my body and went out to my walk-in closet. I brushed my hair and braided it, put on some undergarments.

I guessed that we would stay at home the whole day, so I wore some comfy black shorts and a white t-shirt.

Before heading out of my room, I checked my phone for any new messages from Alex.


Sighing, I went downstairs to the kitchen for breakfast. Noah was the only one sitting beside the counter with his sandwich.

"Good morning." I greeted him, sitting down in front of him.

"Morning." He smiled kindly.

"Have we got somewhere with finding Joseph?" I asked him because he was the computer-genius and if someone knew anything about where Joseph was, it was Noah.

While Noah took his time to respond, I made myself a bowl of cornflakes and yogurt.

He swallowed before he answered. "Not really. He's gone completely, he could even be in a different country for all I know," he sighed. I hummed with a frown, stopping pouring milk in my glass.

Where's he? He couldn't be gone completely, I meant someone had to have seen him or known where he was. If we never found him and didn't get the flash drive, I was going to be trapped here forever. That thought didn't feel good in my stomach.

We've to find him!

"Are you sure? Have you tried everything?" Questioning anxiously, I tried to eat my breakfast, even though I had lost my appetite.

"I haven't tried everything yet, there are some things I can do. But if they don't work, then we don't have much hope left."

After the breakfast, I went up to my room again.

I was sitting on my bed with a book when someone knocked on my bedroom door.

"Come in!" I yelled.

In walked Colt with a cheeky smirk on his face. For some reason his smirk made me laugh.

"What're you doing?" he said and jumped on my bed beside me.

"Reading" I smiled, he grunted.

"Boring. What is it about?" He gazed at the cover of the book.

"Storm and Silence. It's about romance and feminism. You wouldn't understand it anyway, because to you, all the women are objects." I rolled my eyes.

"That's not true. I love women. They make me happy, they please me." He grinned. I threw a pillow at his face.

"You just think about sex." I laughed with him.

"Yeah, yeah, most of the time. Sex is a gift from God," he said like it was obvious.

"I don't understand how such a funny and nice guy, like you, are working in the underworld." I shook my head.

"It isn't that hard to understand. Actually, it's a funny story. I met Antonio in a strip club," he chuckled. "At that point of my life I drank the whole time, and had no money for food, nor alcohol. I spent most of my time in strip clubs and tricked some of the strippers to buy alcohol for me. And one night, at the club, I was so wasted that I couldn't barely walk, and if you opened my wallet a fly would come out. Then, if I remember correctly, Antonio was there for a meeting. He saw me trick a girl into buying me alcohol, and then I ended up fighting the security guard, because apparently, I did something "wrong". He saw potential and wanted me to join him. At first, I was like; nah that's not for me, but then he mentioned how much money I could make, then I was like; wow, man I'm in, and gave him a high five," he chuckled.

"I'm having a hard time imaging Antonio giving you a high five," I laughed at his pouting face.

"Okay, maybe not a high five. But you get what I mean." He gestured with his hands in a very Italian manner and smirked.

"How did you end up in this world?" he asked me, raising his eyebrows.

"I was born into it...and forced," I sighed, gazing down at my hands.

"By whom?" I gazed back at him. "By my sperm donor," I chuckled softly. "Sperm donor?" he laughed and held his stomach.

Suddenly, my bedroom door opened.

"OMG, why did you open the door? My head could have been between her legs." Colt gasped and brought his hand to his heart, glaring at Diego. I coughed, laughing.


"Take it chill, drama queen. We've a meeting, come to the living room." He rolled his eyes.

"Me too?" I raised a brow.

"Yes, you, too. Come." He added before he went out of my room. We jumped off of my bed and followed Diego to the living room.

What could it be about now? Maybe they had some news about Joseph. I hoped so.

The second I stepped into the living room; my eyes clashed with Antonio's. All of them sat down around the dining table, they sat at the same places as the first time I met them. I sat down at the same place I did like the first time.

"What's up?" Colt said nonchalantly. Antonio gestured with a nod for Diego to talk.

"Noah found some news about Joseph." Diego began.

Thank God. Finally, something good happened.

"Some of our men spotted him in Spain. We don't really know if it is him, but it might be. Therefore, Colt, Theo, Collin, Noah and I are going to Spain to check," he said with a monotone voice.

Is Antonio not going?

"When are we going," Theo asked.

"Tomorrow morning," Antonio replied.

"For how long?" Collin questioned.

"A week."

"Antonio, why are you not going?" Colt gazed at him confusedly.

"Because I've some work to do here."

So, he wasn't going, but was I?

"Am I going with you guys too?" I questioned, mainly gazing at Diego, avoiding looking at Antonio.

"'re too weak. You can't help anyway," Antonio drawled coldly.

Piece of shit! I hope you trip!

I was not going, and Antonio wasn't going. Did that mean... I was going to be alone with him for a week?

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