Chap. 4

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I woke up and I guess Liam was still asleep because he wasn't there. I crept to the bathroom, did my business, and decided to cook him breakfast for a thank you. I got started with my cooking skills that I learned from my Dad.

"What's all this?" He wiped his eyes, and started to walk towards me.

"Oh, just a thank you from the past two days that we spent together."

When he smiled I couldn't help but smile back. We sat down for breakfast and after I changed into what I had on yesterday. I gave him back his clothes and stayed for a little longer. I heard my phone vibrate from my bag. It was Mum calling, "I have to take this." I got up the couch.

"Go ahead."

"Hello? Hi Mum. Yes I'm fine. Well I went out yesterday and met someone. It started to rain and he brought me to his flat. Yes Mum, he's sweet, generous, everything positive. Okay I'll meet you there in a few. Bye." I hung up and started to pack my things. I turned to Liam and took a deep breath. "I'm afraid I have to go and meet up my parents somewhere."

"Thank you for making breakfast, it was delicious."

"Thank you for keeping me in for the night." I fidgeted around with my hands, no knowing what to do.

He got up from the stool and walked over to where I was. He held his hand up to my cheek and started to rub it like he did in the park.

"You're eyes are so.." He leaned in and this time I was ready.

"Hey!" Louis barged in his flat.

"Ooh. I think we came a little too early." Niall said.

"No it's fine." I turned around to face the others, "I was just leaving." I replied back and made my way to the door. Without looking back I went out of the building and got a taxi to drive me to my parents house. "Thank you." I shut the car door and walked to their front door. "Mum, Dad. I'm here."

"Oh sweetie are you alright? No bruises. No scars. No cuts."

"No Mum I'm all clear." She gave me a tight hug and my Dad came over.

"We were worried about you. We saw you on the news and you met someone obviously." He spoke slowly at the last bit.

"Yes Dad, I did meet someone. But he's nice, sweet, and generous."

I started to smile just daydreaming about Liam.



"Are you falling for him?"

"What makes you say that?" I asked nervously.

"Just.." My mum replied.

I sat back on the couch and started to clean out my bag. I have my phone, pens, notebook, and some little papers with Liam's number on it. He probably snuck them in there while I was sleeping last night. I ripped all of them except for one. He wrote a note in the back saying. "I love you xx". Liam Payne loves me? Liam Payne loves me. How could he fall for me? My mouth dropped.

"What's wrong dear?"

"Oh nothing.." I replied and put the paper back in my bag. "I have to run again, and this time I'll be careful."

"Ok dear." She gave me a quick kiss goodbye and I ran for the door.

I closed the door and took a deep breath of Mother Nature's air. I walked to my flat and turned on the tele.

"Good afternoon. This is Beth Hamilton. We have more information for you on Liam Payne and his little crush. Yesterday they were at the park the same place we saw them the first time they went. The paparazzi followed them but they ran until what we find out they gone into Liam's flat. This morning she seemed to have stormed out of the building and called a taxi to take her home. We'll have more for you on these love birds. I'm Beth Hamilton reporting from the studio."

"Ugh, not again." I laid on my couch just thinking about Liam. I began to pace back and forth in my small kitchen. "Why do they have to stalk on us? Just because he's in a boy band. Famous. A singer. And practically rich. What other difference does that make? I can't see him again. If they're gonna keep doing this then I can't see him again. Good thing he doesn't know where I live." I spoke to soon.

"Lilia you there?" Sam, the door man, called me up again.

"Yeah, I'm here."

"Liam is down here and he wants to come up."

Ugh, what should I do? Should I? Or nah? I stood quiet for a minute, and I made up my mind. "Yeah, send him." A minute later a knock was at the door.


"Hey. Did you see the news?"

"Yup, a lot more detail than yesterday." I replied back.

"You wanna go out, tomorrow night?" I heard the nervousness in his voice.

"You're asking me out?" I asked with a smile.

"Yeah I guess." He replied with a smile.

"Sure, but we have to keep it secret or else my parents will kill me if I'm on the news again."

"That's where you went."

"Yeah she wanted to know if I was alright." We stood there in silence and I invited him in. "You want something to drink?"

"Tea please."

I started right away on that tea and I saw him from the corner of my eye looking through my living room.

"Here you go." I said and gave him a cup.

"Thank you." He replied and continued snooping.

I sat on of the comfort chair just staring at him. His faces that he made while looking through my things. Somehow I didn't mind. I sipped some tea from my cup and he took out a movie from my little library, Batman. "You a fan?" I asked him.

"Very." He replied.

"You can put it on, if you want."

He put the tea aside and put the movie on. I went to go and sit on the couch and like before he sat next to me. In the middle of the movie I felt something go in my eye. "Ow.." He paused the movie and looked at me worried.

"What's wrong?" He put his mug down and tured to me gently touching my face.

"Something's in my eye." I started to cry a bit because some air went in. He wiped a tear off with his thumb and cupped my face with both hands.

"I think it was just an eyelash." He said.

"Let's hope so." After I said that he started to lean in closer and closer. And in no time his soft, moist lips were on mine. I felt him smile in between kisses. "Liam, don't you think it's a little too early."

He pulled back and gave me that look. "You didn't enjoy it?" He asked offended.

"I did, but.."


"Liam, maybe we should give it just a little more time. I was expecting you kissing me tomorrow, I guess not." I replied.

"I know we should but, I - I - love you." He starred into my eyes, and I was there speachless.

"You what?" I asked not knowing what to say.

"I do, I really love you. And I know that it's too early in this relationship, but the past days you have been irresistable to get out of my head. I have tried everything to not think about you but my last thought before going to bed is you." He got both my hands and said, "It's okay if you don't feel the same, but I just wanted you to know."

I got his sweater and forced him to kiss me. I put my hands on his shoulders and started to lean on the couch. I smiled at him and he kissed my nose before we went off. I slept perfectly that night.

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