Chap. 37

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        The next morning was just a regular morning, like nothing ever happened the whole year that we've been together. Just the same way I was in his bed the time he invited me to his apartment. I got up to take a quick shower and it felt no different. I looked over at my dream catcher that I got tattooed on my forearm. Just admiring that when I got it, Liam was right next to me every second. Once the water got colder I shut it off, and grabbed a towel that wrapped my body. I went back to the room and put on some underwear, and didn't realize Liam was already awake watching me change.

"Can't wait to wake up to that every morning."

        I turned back with the towel cover my body with only my underwear on, "Shit, you scared me Liam. I thought you were asleep, like a baby."

"Well you thought wrong, besides how can I sleep while you're making noise taking a shower."

"Well sorry but I'd prefer to be clean, than stinky and smelly." I slipped on a pair of sweats and pulled over one of Liam's white shirts. I put my towel away and I hear footsteps coming behind me. I turn to find a boxered briefed Liam standing inches away.

"But I'll love you no matter what state you're in."

        I smiled looking into his deep chocolate brown eyes that stared at me innocently and made me melt whenever. "I love you too, but I would love it if you took one as well." I said and unwrapped my arms from behind his neck.

"Ok, I see how it is." He says and looks up waiting for me to kiss him. I kissed him and but turned his head and crashed our lips together. I laughed at his actions and hit his bum while he was walking away, "That's how i like it." he turned back and gave me a cheeky wink.

"I know you do." I called after him.


        I made us breakfast and the boys came over and did a twitcam with Liam and I. "So as you all may know that Liam and I are recently engaged!" I gave it to the fans and clear and quick as possible. "It was the promise ring that he proposed to me." I showed the camera proudly and fans comments came pouing it quick.

"I'm glad you guys are taking this well." Liam said from the fans reactions.

"How your proposal?" asked Zayn.

"Zayn you were there." I replied thought he was asking the question just because.

"No the fans asked from twitter."

"Right, silly me. Umm, well, it wasn't you know those cleeshe oh we're going to Paris sort of things. It was original and right after 1D Day, so very unexpected. And the boys were there pushing him to do it. Harry was like telling Liam in a way that finally he breaks up with me. The boys followed along, you know them. And I thought like oh well maybe he is. So Liam said his speech / vows and everything and I said yes. It was the only yes that I was sure about, through out the twenty years of my life. So yeah that's how it went and the boys did record it so it'll be up when we say so or depends how many views we get in this twitcam."

        With that said there was over  530,00 by the end of the twitcam which was insane.

"So are you really going to upload the video?" Louis asked concerned.

"Maybe, but it just depends on the situation. Or maybe on our wedding day." Liam's suggests and puts his hand on my knee.

         I wrap my arm in his and put my head on his shoulder. We all went out to dinner that night for a proper celebration and I ended up telling my parents the week after.


        So I continued with the photography job and ended up being the boss and everyday was a different surprise with Liam.

        A year has gone by and my father had died from old age, he was 82 and I wished him the best of luck, because heaven gained an angel. So I stayed with my mother for about two to three months before she felt okay about the loss of her first and forever be husband and love. Before I left, she lead me to their room.

"He wanted you to have these." she gave a stack of my Dad's favorite shirts that I loved and use to wear them often when I was young. She kept her favorite.

"Thats Mum." I said through my tears and also collected a few of his jewlery, pants, and some sweaters.

"He would've wanted you to have them." she finally said and sighed remember him through hos clothing.

"I'll take good care of these." I replied to her and gave her a hug before both us walking down the stairs and I left her while she still recovered.

        I closed the door behind me and look up to see Liam in his car waiting for me to go and for us to call it a day. I walked with tears in my eyes while having a suitcase full of my father's best memories that I'm not going to waste.

"You okay?" Liam asked while we were half way home. I nodded in response and kept sobbing having my head down the entire time. I didn't say a word to Liam while heading back to our flat. When we came in I plopped on the bed and sobbed until sleeping under warm covers. 

Truly, Madly, Deeply.. | ljpOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora