Chap. 17

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        After that hour the kids came back and we all headed back to the studio. They opened up their laptops and emailed me two of their favorite photos that they have taken. I would put them on the screen so that the others can look at them a discuss and about what they liked, or admired about the photo. I was in the middle of explaining one of the photos when a flower delivery man came to the door.

        He asked me, "Are you Lilia?"

"Yes that's me." I responded.

"These were sent to you." He handed me over the lovely bouquet of different colored flowers.

"Thank you." And the delivery man left. I sat them aside on my table wondering who sent me the flowers. It was already time to leave and the kids were packing up. They were leaving out the door and someone knocked. I looked to see who was and it was Liam.

"Hey babe." He came over and wrapped his arms around my torso.

"Hey." I was packing up some papers.

"I see you got my flowers." He says looking at them.

"Oh so you sent me the flowers."

"Yeah, why wouldn't I." He gave me a kiss and we left to our flat.


"Can I ask you something babe?" Liam asked me while we sat on the couch.

"Sure babe, what is it?"

"Would you want to come out in our music video?"

"For what song?"




"Tomorrow? That means I have to call in sick. I'll send the kids an email that I won't be coming tomorrow." I went to go and get my laptop and started typing. "Where is it going to be?" I asked while Liam was making tea.

"I don't know but they said it was going tobe in the city." Liam brought me a cup and sat next to me again. Liam turned on the tele and we watch shows until it was time for both of us to hit the sack.


         The next morning I turned to my side an realize Liam wasn't there. Where is he? I laid in bed and minutes later Liam comes in with a towel wrapped around his waist. I try not to look but he looks gorgeous shirtless. He looked in the mirror and then realized I was starring at him. He gave me that smile and I went out of bed blushing and butterflies in my stomach. I always get butterflies when Liam looks at me that way.

         I took a shower and did my hair wavy with a few loose curls. I come out of the bathroom and start to pack for this music video. I took: white Vans, a pair of jeans, an Arctic Monkeys t-shirt, a sweater, and my camera. In my normal bag I packed: a notebook, pens, my phone, body lotion and rubber bands for my hair. I brought my bag to the couch and warmed up last nights tea. I didn't see Liam when I went back to the room and he's not here in the kitchen. I saw a note taped to the table. I'll be back soon, went to buy some things before we left. Love, Liam.  I folded the tape in back of the paper and placed it in my notebook.


        I heard the door open and Liam came in with two bags of groceries. I helped him take out the items of each bag and placed them either in the refrigerator or counter. I served myself more tea then went to brush my teeth. Liam came in and started to brush his teeth. He took out his phone and snapped a picture of both of us brushing our teeth.

        I rinsed my mouth, "What was the picture for?"

        He rinsed his. "For Twitter." He left with that mischievous smile.

"Liam." I whined to him.

"Check your phone." I got to my bag and take out my phone. I see the screen with that picture he just took. I unlocked my phone and saw the caption that went with it. Brushing my teeth with herrrrrrrrr (; xx 

        I retweeted it and found myself smiling a goofy smile again. We left to the set where they were going to record the music video. I saw Louis, Harry, Niall, and Zayn. They were all in the trailers getting ready for the shoot. I went back to the car to get my phone but Liam stopped me by wrapping his arms around me and pulling me away.

"Why do you need your phone?" He laughed.

"I need to tweet something."

"Can't that wait, common." He lead me to the bridge and I overheard that the boys will be ontop of the bridge looking down at the city.

"Becareful babe." I told Liam before they went on harnests to the top of the bridge.

"I will don't worry" He gave me a kiss and I saw them going up. 

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