Chap. 24

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        The next morning I was awakened by something tickling my nose. I cringed my nose and woke up to a rose. Liam smiled at my faces I kept making. I sat up and find that Liam had made me breakfast again.

"What's all this?" I ask and Liam puts the rose on the tray.

"Remember the first time I made you breakfast in bed, and I didn't succeed?" I smile at the flashback. "Well I wanted to make a better one without pancakes." I kissed him and ate my breakfast. "Get changed so that we can arrive to the set on time." Liam tells me while he takes the tray and leaves the rose behind with me.

        I brush my teeth and put my hair in a ponytail. I get a pair of shorts, an olive green tank top, and slip on my black Converse. I grab my bag, phone, camera, and bracelets. In no time we were out the door to the set of "Little Things". The set was a casual studio and theres cameras everywhere. Liam went to go and change for the video while I was in the background taking photos of them. I kept my eyes on Liam the entire shoot, he never told he played guitar or piano. I'm learning new surprises of Liam everyday.

"Cut! Take five!" The director said and all you hear is chattering. Liam walked over to me and I couldn't help but take a photo of him.

"How was it?"

"Really, what's that word, loveable. I saw you looking in the camera and I guess they want you to somehow serenade the fans like if they're there."

"You got the concept of the film already."

"Really, and how about some piano and guitar practices?" He smiled and lead me to the piano that was on set. Liam played parts and then I joined in. After we finished Liam looked at me shocked. "You never told me you played piano either."

"Well when one's bored, one can teach itself something and treasure it." I told him and he put his arm around me, but I didn't care if anyone was watching us. I know a couple of people took photos of us behind the scenes.

        That was't a big deal, but after the video shoot it was a big deal. Paparazzi outside and cramming us but we managed to get out and go back to our flat. "That was, a workout. I don't think I've ever tried to an obstacle like that before." I say and sit down on the couch.

"I'm sorry babe, that probably ruined most of your day." Liam sat next to me with his arms on his knees.

"No, it didn't. The fans and paps are apart of you and I don't want you to loose that." I say and hook my arm with his tracing his hand with my pointer finger.

         I went on Tumblr and found those photos of me and Liam on set. There was a comment that read, 'OMG they are so cute! Wish I had a relationship like that.' Also this one, 'We should think of a ship name to give them! How about Liamia?! Or can someone else think of another one?' Ship name? 'I like 'Liamia'. I commented back saying, 'I love that ship name! Keep it that way! xx'

        After that comment my mailbox blew up and my followers increased so much.

"Babe look at this!" I heard the bathroom door open and Liam came and sat next to me.

"What is it?" I pointed at the screen where the girl commented our ship name. I fangirled a bit and squealed when Liam had a smile on his face.

"Sorry just excited." I say.

"That's why I love you. And I ship us." My smile grew ten times bigger when he told me "I ship us".

        I hugged Liam from the side and noticed he was wet. Liam had only a towel wrapped around his waist. I suppose he's been working hard at the gym lately. His abs and biceps look more toned than before. I went to take a shower as well and changed in the room. I took my pajama shorts and an oversized sweater I bought from California. Liam and I ate lunch in our flat then watched the reruns of F.R.I.E.N.D.S. I sat criss cross on the couch the entire hour of watching F.R.I.E.N.D.S. Maybe I should get him all the seasons for his birthday, he would love that.

"Babe, you okay?" He says and places his hand on my thigh.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I say breathing in a ton and snapping out of it.

"It's not about Danielle is it?"

"Oh no, I completely forgot about her." I say and try to figure out where I could buy all their seasons in one package.

"I'll be right back." I told him and ran to the room. I took out the watch I bought him and hid the black box behind me. I sat back on the couch, "You could only open one your presents tonight." I said and he looked at me confused. I gave him the box I had behind me and his smile grew. "I went out with Eleanor today and asked her which one you would wear. Since she has known you for quite some time, then I figured I would take her shopping with me."

        Liam opened the box and the watch was from Franck Muller Grand Prix Mens Watch. It had a nice black casual leather and silver clock. Something casual to wear everyday. "What can I give you in return for this?" He asks.

"Nothing. I don't need nothing in return."

"Of course you do, maybe this." He plants a big one on me like how we kissed for the first time but I planted one on him.

"Maybe I did need that in return." I say thinking about it.

"I told you." He shrugs his shoulders and does that face. We watch the rest of the reruns and went off to sleep on the couch.


         I woke up to the weirdest sound ever. It sounded like a growl but snorts in between. I looked over at Liam and he was snoring. His face expression was mad, I got my phone from the floor and took a short video of him. I put my phone back and waited for him to open his eyes. "What?" He woke himself up with he own snoring. I felt him combing my hair with his fingers and fluttering my eyes open as if I just woke up.


"Morning. Babe do you snore?" I saw his cheeks get a light pink.

"Umm, maybe?"

"Because this is what happens when I wake up first and you stay asleep snoring." I say and show him the fifteen second video.

"Oh gosh.." He says and I see him wipe his face and turning red.

"I think it's cute." I say and kiss his warm cheek from the embarrassment. I lay my head on his torso and think about what we could do today. Maybe walk, visit mum for a while or just catch a film.

"What's going on in that head of yours?"

"I was wondering if you want to go and visit my mum today. We most likely have nothing to do."

"I have a meeting today about our next video. You go and see your mum, it's been a while since then."

"Alright." I say getting off the couch and going to the room to get changed. I put on some shorts, I slipped on my Converse, and grabbed a McFly t-shirt from the closet. I went to the bathroom and redid my hair. "I'm going off to see mum and meet you where?"

"Meet me here, I be doing nothing once the meetings over so.."

"Alrighty then." I say and get my keys from the table.

"You forgot something." Liam said and walked over to me before I opened the door. He kisses me pulling me closer to him grabbing me by my waist.

"Be careful, and tell your mum I said 'hi'."

"I will." I gave him a last peck and went off to my parents house.

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