Chap. 35

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         It was finally 1D Day. I woke up from my sleep and took a short shower. There was a knock on the door and it was the mail man. I wrapped the towel around me and signed the paper then he handed me the box. Inside it had the unlimited edition of Midnight Memories and their movie. I got dressed into an orange shirt, light jean overalls, and my white Converse. I got my bag that had: a notebook, pen, charger, phone, chap stick, the mini perfume of Our Moment, and a book. Liam woke up after I had gotten ready and took a shower as well. Since I had some time to spare I made us breakfast and Liam smelled so nice. You could take a whiff all the way from the kitchen.

"Morning babe." He kissed my head and hugged me while I sniffed his scent.

"Morning, breakfast?"

"Of course, and it's 1D Day. I thought this day will never come."

"Neither did I." We ate and went off to where 1D Day was going to be hosted.


        I saw so many people, even Tyler Oakley! I fangirled when I saw him, and couldn't even say anything to him. "Tyler, meet my girlfriend Lilia." I couldn't give out my hand to touch his, I was just shocked.

"Hi! I've read so many good things about you on twitter. I even followed you." I blinked so many times I couldn't believe it. He followed me! Tyler Oakley follows me!

"Pleasure for me as well. I'm a fan of yours. I always watched your videos. I also follow you on twitter. It's an honor to meet you, I thought I would never have the chance."

"Well it won't be the last time." He said smiling.

"I'll leave you two to catch up." I gave Liam a kiss before he left.

"So how did you meet the Liam Payne?" We sat on a couch that was on set.

"Well I went to California for like two weeks and when I came back. I thought I would never have a chance with him. I came and I walked the streets and made a turn for Starbucks and stepped on his foot by accident. His eyes were just so dreamy. And the next day we were on the news, and he came over to check if I was okay. I said yeah and we had a chat then it rained and we ended up in his place. I met everyone else there. And yeah that's it."

"Damn, not even me. Have you guys like done it, yet?"

"Um, yeah like a few times." I sigh and Liam came back.

"How's it going?"


"How did you guys meet?" I asked referring to Tyler and Liam.

"I interviewed them like two weeks ago and it was the best video slash interview I have ever done. It was amazing. And the best part was, he never stopped talking about you." Tyler said signaling towards me and Liam.

"I'm not surprised, he tells me if he talked about me. Which I don't mind but some fans do. And I hate to bring up the subject but some just don't get a life. They say mean things to you, giving you more attention. They never leave you alone, it's like forever."

"I know what you mean. The first time I opened up, my followers went ballistic. Some unfollowed me, tweeted mean things to me, it was awful."

"But I guess that's what happens with everyone. Even maybe Eleanor and Perrie."

"At least that's over now." He said tapping my leg and we talk more about each other.

"Tell me about the ring." I looked at it admiring how Liam gave it to me and took it off to let Tyler see it.

"Well Liam gave me a promise ring like a week ago and my parents were astounded. My mom wanted to go wedding dress shopping with me the other day. I told her no and that we have to wait a year or two to actually be pronounced husband and wife. So you know I said yes and inside it has the day that I stepped on his foot, on accident. And our favorite quote 'To Infinity & Beyond'."

"That's really sweet, I love it. And plus its not fancy just plain."

"Ok everyone, we are about to start 1D Day!"

         Everyone got out of their places and let the boys take over. We had special guests and events that were taking place outside. It was the fifth hour of 1D Day and they wanted to talk to the girl friends one by one. They started with me, "Heres Liam's girlfriend, Lilia!" I came to the front and waved to the cameras. I sat in between Niall and Harry giving me this interview. Liam, Zayn, and Louis were outside. "So Lilia is it great with Liam in your life?"

"Of course it's great, I couldn't have been any more happier than to have him in my life. He is everything to me, and I wouldn't want to mess it up."

"So now that you have done it with Liam, and he gave you a promise ring, how is that coming to you?"

"Well, I wasn't expecting these at all from him. But you know it happens and his body is fit so who wouldn't you know. Anyways, the ring was a complete shock really, but I don't look at the ring like a promise ring. I look at it as a normal ring but with a special meaning to it."

"Ok we see what you got. Any plans for the future?" Niall asked.

"Umm, start a life here I guess. Maybe get another job, do more things, have a baby, or two. Who knows, but I really hope that Liam is in it."

"There you have it folks, and we have others coming in."

        I saw Liam, Zayn, and Louis coming from the side doors. Liam came behind me and hugged me from behind. "That was a great interview babe." He gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"Oh! Why don't you show that fans how it really is done?" Louis suggested.

         Liam stud I front of me with his hands on my cheeks and mine on his chest. He pulled my face closer and closer then how it began with a kiss. Everyone screamed and clapped. We pulled away and our foreheads were closer together. We were going to kiss again but Louis broke us up.

"Alright, alright, alright you two over there." He said pointing to a couch.

        Liam and I sat on the couch hand in hand. The boys left back to put on some clothes for a "fashion show". Liam modeled a shirt that had black stripes and looked sexy in it. I was just there in the background on a couch just laying down as if I were in our apartment. I clapped as each of them made an appearance. Liam changed into his normal shirt and sat back with me for the rest of the day.

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