Chap. 9

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        So Liam and I went to see Crazy Stupid Love. We sat in the back as usual and watched the movie. After the movie Liam gave me a goodnight kiss because he won't be seeing me in the morning. Then took me back to my flat and he went back to his. I kept on thinking about Liam the whole night and probably got six hours of sleep.


        The next morning I got up did my hair and changed into jeans, The Beatles t-shirt, and a knitted green sweater my mum made a few days ago and sent it to me. I slipped on a pair of white Converse and went to the kitchen. I made myself a cup of tea and brushed my teeth. I got my bag and camera from my room and grabbed my car keys and out the door I went. I drove to work and good thing the paps weren't after us as much, but I did see a few outside the building. I went in and everyone was staring at me like I did something wrong. They must've known about me and Liam.

"Lilia, come here please." The boss called me in his office. I put everything down on my desk and walked straight there.

"Yes boss?"

"I want you to take pictures of everything you see and like. Then show me on Friday and let's see if I can move you a level higher than where you are now."

"Ok, thank you sir." I walked out of his office with a huge smile on my face. I reached for my phone. I thought, what if Liam's busy, maybe I should wait. Then my phone rang: 'Liam is calling' read on the screen.

"Hey." I said excited.

"Hey babe. I was just thinking about you and decided to give you a call."

"I was gonna give you a call but you were probably busy or something."

"Nah, I'm not that busy just recording."

"Seems interesting, can't wait to surprise you one day."

"Yes that would be nice. How are you, and work?"

"Everything's fine and my job for this week is to take pictures of what I like. Then the boss will see if I move up or not." "Why don't we start that today."

"I think we could do something about that."

"Pick you up after babe, I gotta go."

"Bye, I love you."

"Love you too, bye." Liam hung up and I went back t work.

        We hung up and I went back to my work. It was almost time to leave work and it was 2:45PM.

"Alright, thank you all for coming on your first day of work and see you all tomorrow." The boss said and I packs up my things and went.

        I was leaving out the door and I see Liam out of car giving me that goofy smile of his when we first met. "Hey babe." I ran to him and gave him a hug.

"I've missed you." He told me and gave me a kiss.

"So have I." I replied back and gave him another one. We went to his place and there were the other boys and their girlfriends.

"I want to properly introduce you to Eleanor and Perry. Louis' and Zayn's girlfriends."

"It's very nice to meet you." I took out my hand for them to shake.

"Liam, why is everyone here?"

"Well, because I wanted to ask you something."

"Ok shoot." I hope that it isn't going to be about getting married.

"Will you move in with me?"

        A sigh of relief hit me, "Of course I'll move in with you." He gave me a hug and this one he lifted me up and twirled me until he put me down. Everyone else cheered for our happiness.

"When do I move in?"

"This Friday."

"Alrighty then."


        Hours later everyone left and it was just me and Liam. We were drinking a cup of tea in our kitchen and I popped out the question. "Do you want to meet my parents?"

        His face expression changed, "Actually meet them." He had gotten nervous.

        I walked up to him and gave him a hug, "It's fine I you don't want to. We can wait and I meet your parents." We pulled away and he looked at me with his puppy eyes.

"You'll meet my parents first then, I'll meet yours."

"Ok then, deal." We shook on it and it was already late.

"I have to be going now babe." He look at the clock and then back at me with a sad face.

"Want me to drop you off?"

"If you want."

"Ok, let's go." He got his car keys and took me home. Before leaving his car I gave him a good night kiss and had my hand up to his cheek.

"I'm gonna miss you until Friday."

"So am I." He gave me another good night kiss and I went out of the car. I walked into my flat and went straight to bed.

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