Chap. 13

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        The next day I woke up and silently got out of bed. I took a shower and changed into my undergarments. I went back to the room and luckily Liam was still asleep. I had to take a picture if him sleeping, I couldn't resist. I got a pair of jeans, a white v-neck, and my forest green knitted cardigan. I slipped on my black Vans and went to the kitchen to prepare some tea. I put my phone in my sweater pocket and got my camera. I had put in my charger, wallet, journal, pens, envelopes, stamps, and lastly a water bottle in my leather bag. I wrote a note for Liam saying: 'Morning babe. I made some tea and hope to see you at the studio xx -Liia'

        I got my keys for the car and flat then went off to work. I arrived there a tad bit early so I stopped by and bought an ice tea from Starbucks. I came back and everyone was already here. The boss walked up to me, "Lilia, today you'll be teaching these three students on how to take pictures."

"Ok sure, no problem." I went straight to the little room and introduced myself to the teens. "Morning everyone." They responded back. "I'm Ms.Dowell and I'll be teaching you the simple steps of being a professional photographer. Now, lets start with the basics. Give me a few ideas that you know about a camera." While they were answering my question I wrote their answers on the white board. "It seems that you all know a good amount about cameras. Here I have a few pictures and on the back there's three sticky notes. In each sticky note I want you to answer what you think the picture is."

        After another hour of teaching these kids how to work the camera it was my lunch break and they got to home. "You're doing an excellent job that I decided to give you the rest of the day off." I thanked him and packed my things together and went out of the building. I wanted to surprise Liam by going to the studio two hours early.


        I came to the studio and walked in quietly. Liam was recording a verse and I said hi to the other boys while they were in the relaxing room.

"It's good to see you Lilia." I gave them all hugs.

"It's good to see you guys as well. What album are you recording?" I sat down on the couch and crossed my legs.

"This album is called Midnight Memories." Louis replied.

"What song are you on?"

"Maybe on the sixth or seventh." Harry said and went back to the recording studio.

"How are you and Liam?" Zayn asked.

"Everythings going well, I just met his parents this past Saturday."

"How did it go?"

"It was quite great actually."

"No, it was perfect." I heard Liam's voice and turned to face the door and he was there leaning on it trying to seduce me. "You came early babe." He sat next to me on the couch and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"Yeah, my boss told me I was doing a great job teaching the kids about cameras he decided that I would take the day off."

"That sounds great." Liam said and put his hand on my thigh rubbing it. "Well I just finished recording a part of a song that we'll be releasing in a few days."

"What's the name of the song?"

"Midnight Memories, just like the album." Harry replied and took a sip of his Starbucks.

"What about the music video?" I asked.

"We'll record it a day or two after we've released the song." Liam replied and put his arm around my shoulder. "You know what could be good right now?" Liam asked.

        The other boys stared at each other in confusion.

"A Twitcam!" Liam got his laptop and opened the screen. He tweeted, 'Going to start a Twitcam! Hope to see you there! xx (link).'

        I retweeted and got off the couch because I felt like this was only going to be about the boys. Liam saw me going to the other side of the room and sitting on the other couch that sat in front of them. I looked up to see what the boys were doing, and Liam staring at me admiring having his hand on his leg using it to support his chin. I started to blush and smiled back down looking at my phone.

        I tweeted to him: @Real_Liam_Payne what are you looking at sir? ;) I looked up and saw a smile on his face, knowing that he had read it.

        He replied: @Lilia_xoxo hmm, tough question ma'am. maybe your beauty has stung to me like never before. xx

        I blushed when he had replied: @Real_Liam_Payne you are leaving me speechless with these kind words of yours.

        Liam replied: @Lilia_xoxo well maybe you should come over here and join us, so I can whisper them in your ear(;

        With that last tweet I sat right next to Liam, surprisingly we all fit on one couch. We had done the Twitcam and all the boys went back to the studio and left me and Liam alone. "Did you enjoy yourself more this time?" He asked putting away his laptop.

"Yes I did." I replied nodding my head lightly. Liam came forward and gave me a kiss like no other. He wrapped an arm around my waist and we headed out the relaxing room to join the others.

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