Chap. 7

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"That was a pretty good lunch." I said while we head out the restaurant.

"Glad you enjoyed it." Liam said and we went in my car. "You didn't mind me paying for you right?"

"No, it was really kind of you to pay for me on our little date." I replied while we parked in front of Starbucks to get a quick drink. We ordered what we wanted and I paid for mine and he paid for his.

"Tell me something about you." He asked leaning toward his cup.

"Hmm, something about me. I love nature." I shrugged my shoulders and made an unsure face.

He laughed and said, "Ok my turn. I love girls that are a bit shy and have nice eyes."

"What else.." I leaned towards him. 

"Something about me is that I get to sing as a job and that's what I've always wanted to do."

"What if you didn't make it through X-Factor, what would you be doing?"

"I would be in a factory building airplanes or a fire fighter."

"What would you be doing if you didn't get a job as a photographer?"

"Become an artist, travel the world, and take photography classes in school."

"Very interesting." He said while stroking his chin and pretending he had a beard.

        I laughed at myself.

"What's so funny?" He asked and took a sip of his tea.

"Nothing." I checked the time on my phone and it was already 6PM.

"Let's go to my place." He said and got up from his seat.

"Okay then." I got up from my seat and he gently held onto my hand and lead me to his flat. Liam opened the door and lead me in.

        I sat on his couch in relief, "Ugh, I'm so tired."

"Me too." He said and got me to sit on top of him having me lay in his front. He wrapped his arms around my waist and I laid my hands on top of his.

"When are you going back to the studio?" I asked while playing around with his fingers.

"Next week. When are you going back to work."

"Next week." I replied. I turned to look straight into his eyes and gave his a kiss.

"I love you." He whispered into my ear.

"I love you too." I laid my head on his neck and he laid his head on mine. Hours later I woke up on his bed and under warm covers. 

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