Chap. 40

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2 moths later 

        By the nineth month I was already in the emergency room, breathing in and out. I felt myself covered in sweat and my bottom hurt so much, the pain was constant. Liam was everywhere an I tried to calm him down with whatever I had to tell him.

"Liam, breathe. You're making me nervous." I say while still laying on the hospital bed and ready to give birth.

"I can't find a doctor, nurse anyone."

"Don't worry Liam someone will come." The doctor came in minutes later and checked if it were time.

"Ok 11 inches. It's time." The nurses were telling me to push and push. Liam squeezed my hand and the sweat droplets continued to pour in. What felt like hits were only a couple of minutes. I pushed and gave it my all. After my last push you hear a distant crying, our baby James was born. I sighed in relief and fell on my pillow again to rest.

"You did great babe." Liam kissed my sweaty forehead.

        I smiled at him, "Thank you for being here."

"You're welcome baby, I wouldn't have missed it for the world."

        It took them a while to clean him and when they returned he was wrapped in a blue knitted blanket The nurse gave him to me and left without saying a word. Liam sat next to me and put his hand around on my shoulders.

"He's beautiful." There was a knock on the door and peeked in Louis head.

"Hey." I said and invited them in.

"How's our little nephew?" Harry asked and smiled.

"He's only an hour old how would you feel?" I asked Harry.

"I would feel loved, he's had four great uncles who will love him dearly."

"Lux is lucky." said Niall.

"She's like two years older then him."

"So?" asked Louis.

"I don't want her to be a cougar to him."

"Two years is nothing." Zany commented.

"Like how Harry would say, 'age is just a number'." Liam smiled.

         I gave James to Liam and every uncle got a chance to hold him.

"What did you name the little guy?" Niall asked.

"James," I replied, "we wanted something from you guys and something that would suit him."

"I like it." Harry nodded his head.

"Visiting hours are over." The nurse peeked her head in and announced.

"Ok we'll leave you two to rest." Harry said and gave me a forehead kiss.

         Everyone else waved buy and it was just Liam, James and I in the room.


        It took me two and a half days to recover. I still had baby fat in me and when I was able to walk and do things again Liam and I would hit the gym while my mother would take care of James. I would take him but I would get worried that the loud noises would bother him. When I lost all of my baby fat I would get back to my regular routine. Work, lunch, work, leave. I came to work back on a Wednesday and I had to take James with me. I had him in a baby carriage and everyone wanted to see him.

"Ok everyone, don't crowd him he's only two weeks old."

         I made sure that no one would make loud noises which was unnatural in a photography company. It was quiet most of the time and peaceful when I went out for lunch. I would never leave my sight off of him. He meant so much to me, and now I know what it feels like to be a mother.

        I'm Lilia, 23 years old, and this has my life that I chose every since I met Liam Payne from One Direction. I couldn't have anything better. 

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