Chap. 10

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        It was Friday. I got out of bed and dressed in jean shorts, a white v-neck, and a large green pull over sweater. I slipped on my white Converse and brushed my teeth. I left my flat with my camera and bag. I drove to work and constantly everyday after work I packed up so that today I can move into Liam's flat. I walked to my desk and the boss past by my desk and asked for the photos.

"Lilia, I want you to go outside and take pictures of anything."

"Ok sure thing." I got my camera and bag and walked out of the little building. I asked people to pose for me and took shots here and there. Then I went back to my work after I went around the corner and bought myself Starbucks. It was five minutes before I left and the boss called me in.

"Congrats You have now been promoted to be move up as a professional photographer."

"Thank you I much sir." I shook his hand. 

"Oh don't thank me, it was your hard work that got you here. It was already time to leave. "Thank you everyone for attending your first week and have a great weekend."

        I grabbed my camera and bag and drove back to my flat. I opened the door and see Liam packing up my last box. "You didn't have to Liam."

        He turned around and hugged me. Liam gave me a kiss and we ended up on my couch.

"Ok Liam I get it, you missed me too much."

"You have no idea." His body hovered over mine.

        We got up from the couch and I prepared, us some tea. Basically Liam slept over to help with the boxes the next day. We put some in the car he drove then came back and we put more in. The last box was a relief. I plopped on our couch and let myself be calm and catch some breath.

"You tired?" Liam asked and closed the door sitting next to me on the couch.

"Yes, that was a major work out." We laughed at each other and I ended up on his front.

"It feels good that we can finally be together. Now you get to meet my parents." I looked at him with that face.

"Maybe tomorrow." He replied laughing.

"Ugh, I'm so tired and oh my gosh so.." I couldn't find the word that I was feeling.

        Liam rubbed his soft hand up and down my arm then glided it over to my shoulder and kept it there. It was 10:45PM and I went to the shower to get cleaned off after a sweaty work out. Liam did the same after and we drifted off into our bed.


        The next morning I wake up and feel relieved that I get to be on bed with someone I love. I turn over to Liam who was already awake and facing me.

"Morning babe. Who'd you sleep?" He kissed my forehead.

"Calm, and you?"

"Even better."

"How about I meet your parents, today."


"Yes Liam, today."

"Well, if you want to meet them today then we have to be ready by one in the afternoon so that we can leave."

        I bit down on my lip and kissed him. I jumped out of the bed excitedly and hit the shower. When I came out of the shower surprisingly Liam was still in bed. I was naked under my towel, and faced away Lian while I sat on my side of the bed.

"What's wrong babe?" Liam asked and sat next to me shirtless.

"Nothing, just nothing."

"Ok, if you're sure. I'm gonna go and shower as well."

"What do you want for breakfast babe?" I asked him.

"Eggs with toast." Liam left to the shower and I changed into some normal clothing.

        I didn't want to get dressy because I didn't want to impress Liam's parents by what I wear but how I am with him. So I picked out a pair of blue pants and folded them at the bottom just a bit. I put in my white Converse, put on a white v-neck, and lastly pulled over my Batman sweater. My hair was still wet so I let it dry naturally. I went to the kitchen and started. Minutes later I heard Liam coming out of the bathroom and I heard his steps going towards me. He wrapped his arms around my waist loosely and quietly laid his chin on my right shoulder.

"Smells delicious babe."

"Wait until you taste it."

"Can't wait." He replied back and gave me a kiss on my cheek.

        I heard his foot steps leaving to the room and he closed the door behind him. I got two plates and two cups. I served the egg and toast on both plates and served orange juice in the cups. I saw Liam and he sat I front of me. While we ate he would always give that look.

"Can't wait to meet your parents today."

"I know me too, and they'll love you." We finished our breakfast and I brushed me teeth.

        Liam came in as well and took out his phone. He took a picture of me and him brushing our teeth. After that I got my camera, bag, and phone and we went out to meet Liam's parents .

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