Chap. 5

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I woke up to the smell of roses on the side table next to my bed. I got up and read the note that was on it.

'Can't wait to see you tonight xx -Liam'

I took a shower and made myself a cup of tea after. The whole day I was waiting for it to go by fast. It was six p.m. and I started to get ready. Liam texted me, We're going to the movies, don't wear anything too fancy xx. I got a pair of skinny jeans, white t-shirt, and a Beatles sweater I had in my closet. I slipped on my white Converse and grabbed my bag from the doorknob. A knock at the door startled me and I went to go and answer it. When I open the door I see a smiling Liam in front of me.

I smiled back, "Is this too fancy."

"No just fine." He kissed my cheek and I locked the door behind us.

"I know a secret way to get out of hear instead of the front." I lead him to the back where the janitor goes through and it leads to the dumpsters.

We looked back and see the paparazzi waiting for us to come out. We went to my car and he drove. We parked at the movie theatre and saw Toy Story 3. The movie already started and we sat way in the back. By the middle of the movie I hade my arm on the armrest and I felt Liam pulling my sleeve with his hand then intertwining his fingers with mine. I pretended I didn't feel anything and laid my head on his shoulder. The movie finished and we waited for half of everyone to leave. He gave me a kiss once the lights went on and we went out of the theatre still holding hands.

He drove me back to my flat and once we came out a sworn of paparazzi came running to us and started to take pictures. I held onto Liam tight and he lead me to my flat. He locked the door and looked deeply into my eyes.

"I'm sorry for this to happen." I lifted my hand up to his cheek and touched it softly.

"It's fine. I knew that they were gonna do this. Don't apologize for something that's not your fault."

He gave me a kiss and I made us a tea. I went to go and shower then put on my pajamas. I think Liam left because when I went back to the kitchen he was't there or in the living room.

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