Chap. 15

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        Liam hasn't come home and it was 10 o'clock. I tried to stay awake but my eyes couldn't resist the pressure. I got the blanket from our room and brought it back to the living room. I slept on the couch waiting for Liam's arrival.


        I woke up the next morning with the smell of honey tea. I rubbed my eyes and tucked one arm under my head. I thought to myself, Why did Liam take so much time to get back home? Was he with someone else? Or maybe they went out to celebrate? I sat up and redid my bun. I guess Liam's in the bathroom so I made the bed and added the blanket I used last night.

"Morning babe." Liam gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"Morning." I stood wanting to ask him the question.

"What's wrong?"

"What time did you come in last night?"

"Like 10:30. Why babe?"

"Just curious.." I went out of the room and went to the bathroom. Ugh, I could've waited thirty more minutes but I was too tired to even count sheep. I had a silent argument in my head.

        I brushed my hair and put it in a ponytail. I went back to the room to change. I didn't feel like doing much so I got a pair of tights and threw on an oversized sweater I had. I got an email from my boss today saying that I had the day off and still getting payed.

"What's wrong?" Liam asks while washing the dishes.

"Nothing. My boss just sent me an email that I had the day off but I was still getting payed."

"What would you like to do today babe?"

"Maybe you can take a shower then we meet my parents." I suggested.

"If you want me to." He gave me a kiss and went to take a shower.

        I went to the room to get clothes to change after I showered. I got my light blue jeans, and a The Beatles t-shirt. Liam came out and I went in. I turned on the water and sat of the floor while the warm water was running through my body. I turned it off when it started to get cold. I came out and dried myself with the towel I had. After I changed I let my hair dry naturally. I then straightened a few of my strands when they were fully dried and curled them a bit as well. I went back to the room and slipped on my white Dock Martin's and sat on the couch with my laptop.

"Whatcha doin'?" He asks sitting next to me.

"Just creating a power point for tomorrow for the kids."

"You're like a teacher, aren't you?"

"Well, if you put it that way. Then yeah I would consider it as being a teacher."

"What time are we leaving?"

"What time is it?" I gasped.


"Ok then lets go." I saved my document and closed my laptop. I grabbed my phone and we're off. I drove us to my parents house.

        Liam looked at bit nervous while he was rubbing his hands on his thighs. "It's going to be fine." I told him and he smiled.


        We got out of the car and walked hand in hand to the front door. I rang the doorbell and my mother had opened it surprisingly. She invited us in and we sat on the couch.

"My dear. What a lovely surprise. Is this the man that you were seeing a few weeks back?"

"Yes mum."

"I'm Liam ma'am, at your service." They shook hands and my paps came in the living room.

"This is Liam.."

"Payne. Liam Payne sir." He shook his hand firmly. He sat next to me again and we talked about how we met, what he works in, what he does, and so on.

"Dear, would you help me in the kitchen and whip up a little something for dinner?"

"I'll be right back. Behave yourself." I whispered to Liam and helped my mum with dinner.

"So dear how are you with that boy really."

"Mum if you only imagined."

"Is One Direction really famous."

"World wide famous." I sighed.

"What's the matter dear?" "I was just thinking if and when he goes on tour then what will happen to me. I'll stay here thinking about him every second of every minute of every hour of everyday."

"Oh, but he hasn't left yet. You still have time to be together. Do you live with him?"

"Yup, just moved with him last Saturday. And I already met his parents."

"What did they say about the both of you?"

"They both agreed."

"Well, I already said yes when you both walked in." We made chicken with salad and spaghetti.

"Go and call the boys to come an eat." I wiped my hands on the cloth and announced that dinner was ready. I saw both laughing and having a great time talking to each other.

        My dad pulled me aside, "Don't mess this up dear, you have a keeper." I smiled and sat down for dinner.

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