Chap. 38

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        A few weeks past and I had to continue in life after what I've just been through.

"You okay babe?" Liam wrapped his arms around my small torso while I was making pancakes for breakfast.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I finished them and Liam got plates and utensils.

"You can talk to me whenever you feel like it, okay?"

"Okay." I replied to him and continued with my pancakes.

         I went off to work, as the boss, of the photography company and the teena that I would teach now have a job there. It was easy to take them in and we all grown foundly of each other.

"Morning Lilia, how was your weekend?" Amber asked me.

"Morning Amber. It was decent, but thanks." I sat at my desk and started to review photos that my clients have tooken. What I do is organize them and send them to like big companies that organizes them better for magazines and all that. Its a big deal.

"Ms. Payne, I have the finals for you."

"Oh, thank you." She sat the photos down on my desk and I began to review them.

         The phone was non stop today, and that's a good thing. We're making good business, and we get promoted at least twice a month from somewhere different and a big company too. I get excited every time I promote someone and I feel good that I have great clients to work for this job. I still reviewed the photos, and made a hard decision on which ones to send. There was a knock on my door, I looked up and it was Liam.

"Come in."

"Hey, I thought you wanted to go out for lunch or something."

"Aw, you're so sweet. But I have to organize photos. I might take a while."

"I'll just wait." Liam sat in one of the office chairs and kept himself occupied.


"Okay, I'm done." It was only three in the afternoon. "Lets go." We walked to a near by pizzeria and stopped by for lunch.

"Our first date ever since we got engaged." Liam said and took a bite of his pizza.

"Well, I've been waiting for you to ask me out."

"Why do guys always have to take the first move?"

"Its polite, and girls don't want to seem desperate."

"Oh, okay. If you're sure."

"I'm positive."  We came out and then headed to Starbucks.

"Want anything?" I asked him.

"No, I'm full."

"Ok, can I get an iced cofffee?" We waited at a side table and they called out my name.


        Liam walked me back to my work and into my office. "So I'll see you when you get home?"

"Yeah, the sooner I finish this the sooner I'll be there."

"Ok then, I love you."

"I love you too."

         Liam gave me a kiss and left in his car.

        I sat at my desk and kept reviewing photo after photo. By the end I sent a hundred photos to one magazine company. It was six o'clock in the afternoon and I finally left work. London was so nice in to the night, the lights brightened up the city. I took a photo of the lights and sent it to Liam with the caption: I'm coming home babe, don't worry (: and he replied with Alright, as long as you're coming to me (

        I smiled at his response, and I walked into the building where our apartment was. When I walked in there was a rose and candle lit path leading me to the bedroom. "What's this?" I took the rose that layed on the bed.

"What does it look like?" Liam was leaning on the door way with his shirt off and pants on.

"What did I do to deserve this?" I took off my sweater knowing where this will lead to.

"I don't know but I just couldn't resist having a long night ahead of us." He got me by my waist and pulled me closer to his toned chest. We were both in our underwear and jumped into the bed. He was right, it was a long night ahead. 


        The next morning I looked at my clock and saw that I was already late for work. "Shit." I jumped out of bed and put on some jeans. I pulled over a knitted cream color sweater and went to the bathroom to fix my bedhead hair. I pulled it into a decent ponytail and went to get my boots from the closet. I gave Liam a kiss and got my bag from the floor and my planner. My keys were on the counter and my phone was already in my pocket.

        I drove to my work for another day of looking at photos that are amazing and hard to choose. My life isn't hard, I worked to get here. The phone rang and I answered it.

"Hello, Photography Incorperation at your service."

"Hey babe, its me Liam."

"Hey babe, what's wrong."

"Nothing, just wanted to see if you were at work already. You left in a hurry."

"Of course babe, I woke up late because of last night. It was amazing to tell you the truth."

"I knew you would like something like that after a hard day at work."

"Haha, you know me so well."

"Of course I do. Well, I just wanted to see if you got to work okay."

"I did and thanks babe, for calling. I have to get back now."

"Ok, I'll leave you to it. I have another surprise once you get home."

"Already, but I just left."

"I know, but I had it for a while."

"Ok then, see you soon."

"Alright bye."

"Bye." I hung up on Liam and went back to my work.

         It's nice to have Liam calling me even though, he knows that I had to get to work early.


        After two hours, I finished early and decided to have a walk around and take a few shots of the area. I haven't tooken photos ever since I got the position of Boss. I felt nice taking photos once a again. After my break I came back and relaxed in my office for most times. I answered the phone when it rang and still looked at a couple of more photos when they came to my office. The day came to an end, now back to the partment.

"Liam?" I opened the door and saw hime on the couch.

"Hey babe, how was work?"

"Not stressful, aparently." I sat down next to him.

"Babe can I give you something?" Liam asked standing up.

"Yeah, what is it?" Liam got down on one knee and I covered my mouth in surprise.

"Babe, will you marry me?"

"Are you serious? Yes!" I hugged him and gave him a soft kiss. "I love you. I love you. I love you." I kept saying to him and he slipped on the ring and it fit perfeclty.

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