Chap. 21

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        The week went by fast and it was the day where we had to baby sit Lux. Liam went out to get some groceries and I stayed until Lux came. I heard a knock on the door.

"Hello you must be Lilia, Liam told us a ton about you. Oh sorry, I'm Louise and this is my husband Tom. This here is Lux."

"Pleasure to meet you." She gave me two bags and said goodbye to Lux. I carried her and put the bags on the couch.

        Minutes later Liam came in, "Hey babe." I turned to see him and Lux had a smile on her face. "Hey there Lux." He said baby talking to her. She was the cutest thing I ever saw when she laughed. He played peek-a-boo with her and carried her.

"Liliy." She called out pointing to me. Then she reached her arms out to carry her.

"She loves you." Liam told me and stood next to me.

"I love you too." I said and pecked Liam on the lips. He put his arm around my waist and Lux began to yawn. I put her on our bed and surrounded her with pillows and her stuffed animals that were in the bags. I put a small blanket over her relaxed body. I turned off the light and let the door a little open.I walked back to the living room where Liam was standing and looking at me with a face.

"Wow, you're so good with kids." 

"Well my mom worked in a Daycare and I helped her to take care of kids. And you, you're good with Lux."

"Well I'm no expert like you but I've token care of her once in a while." We took a break and I heard crying from the room. I open the door and she woke up from her nap.

"It's okay Lux it was only a nightmare." I told her and started to hum a song. She calmed down a bit and I stroke her back to make her feel better.

"Here." Liam said while handing me a bottle of milk. I sat down on the couch and she laid in my arms. I put a small towel under her chin and slowly tilted the bottle that went in her mouth.

"I wish I knew what to do." Liam sat next to me and Lux didn't want anymore milk.

         I wiped the milk that still was on her mouth with the towel and got up and patted her back lightly. Liam played peek-a-boo with her again until she smiled and started to laugh. He carried her when she started to get sleepy again. Liam was on the couch while I was making us something for lunch. Grilled chicken with salad. I went to the couch and she was waking up from her nap. I got her food from the bag and fed her. I ate after I fed her and Liam played with her after he ate. I put my plate in the sink and went to the floor where Liam was helping Lux build a tower. He got my hand and I put my head on his shoulder.

"You did great babe." I told him and kissed him on he cheek.

"If I did great maybe I should get another one." Liam said and kissed me on the lips. Lux laughed and covered her eyes. I smiled. An hour later Louise and Tom came to pick up Lux.

"Hi baby, ready to go home?" Louise asked Lux while I handed her over and Liam gave the bags to Tom. I gave Lux a kiss on the cheek, "Here for your hospitality." She gave me $30 in eros.

"No it's not necessary."

"We insist." I took the money and said goodbye to Lux.

        I closed the door and Liam was right behind me. "We did great babe." He said and gave me a kiss. Then he started to go down my neck. He kept sucking on my neck and I didn't like the feeling where this was going. "Liam. Babe." I tried to move myself away from him. "Liam!" I said more angry.

        He pulled away in surprise and I saw his eyes wide open. I touched my neck carefully and went to the bathroom. I looked in the mirror and there a huge red spot on my neck. It look like a vampire just bit me. I couldn't cover it so I went out of the bathroom and into the room to change. I put on my pajama shorts and a sweater. I saw Liam on the couch in devastation and clicked through every channel. I sat away from him and kept touching my neck and going to the moment when I raised my voice. The way he stepped back in surprise. I didn't think he would go that far. He turned off the tele and put the remote on his side. He sighed and wiped his face with his hands. He had his elbows on his knees and head down. There was a moment of silence and during that time I had the urge to give him one in return but it wouldn't seem right. He turned in my direction slowly and made eye contact. I stayed where I was, legs crossed and played around with my fingers. I saw him from the corner of my eye and looked at me as if he wanted to say something.

"Babe I.." He sighed and continued. "I didn't mean for that to happen it just slipped. Sometimes I loose control of myself, you know that and I didn't want to hurt you." I looked at Liam and he looked like he was going to cry. "I respect you in all ways and if you're not ready then I'll wait until you are. Babe, I'm sorry. Hope you can forgive me." He got up an went around the couch to the bathroom.

        I felt bad that he had to apologize for something that I did. I'm really not that mad at him just disappointed. I cried for a bit and grabbed a cup of tea. I sat back on the couch and turned on the tele. He came out of the bathroom and grabbed his cup of tea. I walked to the kitchen and sat my tea on the counter. I didn't make eye contact with him because I knew I was going to ball out tears "Liam, I forgive you. I know you're mad and I shouldn't have raised my voice at you. Maybe it was because I was scared and didn't want to fall into that situation. I know you respect me and I respect you as well. But it was just so soon that you would do something after a long day. I was tired and I'll never raise my voice to you again." I took my cup of tea to the room and sat on the bed.

       I heard his footsteps coming towards the door. He knocked and said, "Can I come in." I said nothing but he sat a few inches away from me. "I know you're mad and I respect that, just tell me what's wrong so that I can change."

        I put my hand on his thigh. "Liam, I don't want you to change. I'm not mad at you I'm disappointed. Nothing's wrong with you, is just that you get so excited or caught up and don't know what's going on until you snap out of it."

         I look at him straight in the eyes, "But babe I-"

"Shhh.." I told him and covered his lips with my finger. He kissed my finger and took off his shirt. Liam got my hand to put it over his heart. His heart was slow until we saw each other and it went a little faster.

"That's because of you. Every time I look at you or kiss you my heart goes ten times faster. I can't prove how much I love or show you but by the way I feel about you. You are everything to me Lilia, and I love you." I didn't want to cry but that was the only thing I could do. I rushed out of the room and went to the kitchen. Liam came behind me, "Babe it's ok." He stroke my hair and didn't let go of me.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

"Shhh.." All I could do was cry in his arms and feel ashamed of myself.

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