Chap. 16

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        We had already left to go bak to our flat. "Was that so hard?" I asked teasing Liam.

"No." He replied back.

        I went back to the room to change into my pajama shorts and white t-shirt. I put my hair up in a messy bun and set my alarm for tomorrow. Liam's birthday is coming soon What should I get him? I was thinking in my head while brushing my teeth. I went back to the room where Liam was already in bed shirtless, and looking through his phone. I laid next to him and he wrapped an arm around me. I sleep with the sound of his voice humming my favorite song.


        My alarm rang and I shut it off. I got out of bed but someone pulled me back. Liam was already awake and pulled down on my arm so I can be in bed with him.

"Liam, I have to get to work or I'll be late."

"Come to bed with me." He whined.

"Not right now Liam I have to get to work." He let go of my arm angry. I went to do my hair and thought, Why was Liam acting like this? What made him grab my arm so aggressively and pull me down? I straightened my hair and then put it up in a nice ponytail. I went back to the room and changed into jeans and a crew neck sweater. I saw Liam looking through his phone and had that concentration face.

"Is there something wrong Liam?" I asked getting back to bed.

"No nothing." He looked straight into my eyes. "Are you sure? You can tell me anything." He took a beep breath, "Well I can't explain it Lilia. I don't know what I feel right now."

"Feel about what?"

"You and him."

"Who's 'him'?" Liam turned his phone so that I can see the picture. It was me and my boss talking in his room alone. "Oh Liam. That's only me and my boss and plus I would never fancy him in a million years." Liam looked back at me and gave me a kiss.

"You should just be careful at work, incase tries to ask you out or something."

"Of course I'll be careful. I don't want to end this relationship I have. You're always in my thoughts Liam, everyday." I gave him another kiss and then I went to work.


        I set up my power point and waited for the kids to come. They brought their own cameras so that we can go out and have a mini field trip around the block. "Did you bring your permission slips?" They all handed me their slips and we went out into the fresh air. "Our first destination is the park. I won't treat you like little kids, just don't get out of my sight. Make sure you meet back here in one hour." They ran off with their cameras and I went along to take a few shots for myself.

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