Chap. 14

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        Liam placed his laptop next to a chair and sat on the chair. He pulled me down to sit on his lap. I refused. "Please babe." He gave me a puppy look and like always, I couldn't resist. Liam wrapped his arms around my waist and had placed his chin on my shoulder looking around the studio. He gave me a few kisses here and there while they were recording. After they finished Midnight Memories they did another song and it had a catchy tune to it.

"I am truly madly deeply crazy in love, with you. In love with you. In love with you. In love with you. With you oh.." I just stared at Liam the entire time while they were recording. "What do you think?" The boys asked from inside the studio.

        I pressed on a button and spoke into a small microphone to talk to them. "It was great loved the song."

"Good because it was made for you." Liam replied and took off his head phones. He walked out of the glass door and lead me to the relaxing room again. I was lost on what just happened.

"Wait, what?"

"Well I wanted you to come so that I could sing the song to you. Well in other words dedicate it to you." He had his hand behind his neck looking nervous. I stood there in shock just like before when he said he loved me. "Liam, I don't know what to say."

        He got both of my hands and looked me in the eye. Liam had pulled me closer and I wrapped my arms around him and he wrapped his arms around me. I tucked my head into his chest and squeezed him tight. He put his head on my shoulder and started to kiss my cheek playfully. It tickled. I started to giggle and swarm around in his arms. He let go and turned me around tickling me. I started to laugh so hard I began to cry. We ended up on the couch then the floor. He landed on top of me and both of us were breathing heavily. We laughed bit more about our actions and he placed his hand on my cheek to give me a proper kiss. I had wrapped my arms around his neck and grabbed onto his hair.

"I love you."

"I love you too." We said to each other for a few minutes then got up. "I think I'm gonna start to head off and go back to the flat." I said and grabbed my things.

"Why?" Liam looked like a lost and sad puppy looking at me. "I'll see you soon." I gave him a tight squeeze and kiss. "Take my laptop with you." He whispered and kissed my forehead. Before going out the door he gave me his laptop and another kiss.

"See you in a few."

"Can't wait."


        I got in my car and drove back to our flat. I opened Liam's laptop and there was a sticky note on it. It read 'I love you to the moon and back xx Liam'. I went on the internet while mine was charging. A knock was on the door, "Are you Lilia?" A flower man asked.

"Yes, that's me."

"These are for you." He gave me a bouquet of blue and white roses. "Enjoy."

        I locked the door and put the roses on the table. I looked for a glass vase to put them in. Luckily I found one. I filled it more than halfway with water and rearranged the roses. I saw a side note on one of them. 'Enjoy them until I get home xx Liam'. I took a picture of them and posted it on Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr. I changed into my pajama shorts, white undershirt, and a grey pullover sweater. I put my hair in a messy hipster bun and ate until Liam came.

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