Chap. 32

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        Sunday. Liam woke up first because it felt half empty without him in bed. I woke up with only my tank top and thankfully my underwear as well. I put on my shorts that I found on the floor and put them on. I went to the kitchen and found Liam dancing to one of his songs. I giggled at his movement. He saw me and smiled.

"Morning." he walked towards me and gave me a kiss.

"Morning, you woke up on the right side. Didn't you." He kept dancing and doing his thing. I went to the bathroom and washed my face. I came out and Liam was blasting his album.

"Babe! What's the celebration?" He lowered down the volume, "We're number one on the iTunes chart!" he blasted the music again and I kissed him and congratulated him. I got a text from Eleanor.

E: 'Tell Liam to come by the studio today.'
A: 'Ok we'll go after breakfast.'
E: 'Ok thanks.' 

"Babe." he kept dancing. "Liam!" he look at me with that face. "Sorry to interrupt the celebration babe but El just texted me that you need to go to the studio ASAP."

        He turned off the music and walked towards me. Liam put his hands around my waist, "You don't like me dancing?" He gave me that face that made my stomach soar.

"I do like you dancing its just that you have to go to this meeting."

         He still looked at me that way and I couldn't help but kiss his lips. Liam let me go slowly and I went to the room to change. I changed into a McFly t-shirt, light blue jean overalls, and my white Converse. I did waves to my hair and brought my bag. I had my phone with me and was tweeting to fans. Giving them follows and responses. I have 15.8k followers. I didn't think anyone would follow me ever since I became Liam's girlfriend. Also with Tumblr, I lost count. It has been a mind blown for us all. We got to the studio and I saw El sitting in the green room.

        I sat next to her, "What is this all about?"

"The producer said something about a new song and album." We continued to whisper and then finally found out what's up.

"Well we need a new song by Monday." Liam said and sat next to me with his arm over my shoulder. "During that time we need to make an album."

"By Monday?" I asked.

"No, when we have at least three great songs."

"What are guys waiting for? Lets get started." Niall got some paper and started to write a few verses.

         Then Zayn and Liam came up with melodies. Harry and Louis brought in harmony and they had a song in two days. Best Song Ever, was the title. After their three great songs they played it for their producer and he liked them. Now after a certain amount of time they'll help them create more songs for their next single. After a few days after they called Liam up and they needed to discuss their music video for Best Song Ever. He said that he'll be back in a couple hours.

"Ok, have fun." I said and gave him a kiss before he left. I gave myself a makeover so I tried this cleansing mask I bought and it felt nice giving myself some treatment. It takes away oil and acne. I relaxed then washed my face with warm water. I dried up and I felt fresh and clean. I put on some yoga pants and a loose blue sweater. I got my tea and read a book while waiting for Liam to get back. Liam got back after three hours.

"Hey babe." he kissed my head while I was siting on the couch, legs crossed. Loki was laying down next to me and got up to stretch.

"Hi. How was the meeting?"


"And?" I replied turning a page.

"Well they want us to do a music video by next week."

"I'll be at work, so you'll be fine and I'll be fine." I looked up and finally saw Liam, he looked worried. I put my finger as a bookmark, "What's wrong babe?" I patted a seat next to me.

"The director said that it was going to be at your work."


"Yeah, and that all the people that work there will be in the video."

"How come they never told me?" It's barely the weekend so when the week comes the boss will tell me.

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