Chap. 8

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"Morning babe. How'd you sleep last night?" Liam asked in his morning voice.

"Pretty good, how about you?"

"Same." He replied.

        I laid in bed looking up at the ceiling while Liam went to the bathroom.

"What do you want today babe?" He asked and sat by my legs while I sat up.

"I don't know, how about some eggs?"

"Alright be right back." He gave me a kiss on my forehead and went to the kitchen to cook us breakfast.

         I got up after he turned on the stove. I went to the bathroom and I came back to his room. I took one of his Batmas t-shirts and put  on his plaid t-shirt and slipped on my white Converse.

"Mmm, smells great." I said and sat on one of the stools that were by the counter.

        Liam placed a plate of scrambled eggs in front of me, " Dig in."

        I ate my plate and drank some tea after. I got up from my stool and walked over to the kettle. I felt Liam staring at me ever since I ate the eggs. "Why are you staring at me like that?"

"Like what?" He knew what I was talking about.

"Like that." I pointed out.

"I don't know what you're talking about." He got up from his stool and walked closer to me and held on tightly to my waist.

        I wrapped my arms around his neck loosely and couldn't look away from those chocolate brown eyes. The ones I couldn't look away when I accidentally stepped on his foot. I gave him a hug and he laid his head on my shoulder while he was laying back in the counter. What broke us apart was the kettle's cry. I poured myself another cup of tea and placed it on the counter.

"Haha, I just realized you're wearing one of my plaid t-shirts." He gave me a smile and whispered, "It looks good on you though."

        I blushed and sipped some more tea.

"I realized that you're always going to be shirtless every morning. Well, until you go to work which is tomorrow."

"Let's do something today."

"Like what?"

"Have fun at some place."

"What place?"

"I don't know, somewhere romantic."


"The movie theater." It popped right out of his head.

"Ok, what movie are we going to see?"

"That, I don't know either. But we'll figure something out."

        I nodded my head and went to brush my teeth. Liam and I are both starting to work tomorrow, I wonder how its gonna be being away from him and only seeing him in the afternoon. Not even in the afternoon what if they do an interview or something then I see him until the night. Oh God, I don't think I can manage not seeing him until night fall.

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