27 ~ Camp Stories 2

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When you forgive, you heal and when you let go, you grow

AJ's POV - Three Years and 2 Months Ago
"Alright are you ready," Ryan asks.

"I don't think this is a good idea," I admit.

"Come on AJ. Do you want to play or not," Ryan places his hands on my shoulder. "Now is the time to use all that pent up anger," he encourages.

"Alright than let's fucking do this," a couple guys from the football team and I break into the locker room. We make it to the Coach's office and Ryan throws me a bat. And I swing. Hard.

All of us swing breaking and trashing his office. Ripping papers and breaking trophies. Suddenly the lights outside turn on and we all duck.

"Janitor," my teammate Ben informs. Ryan reaches into his bag pulling out a crow bar.

"Yo dude. Where the fuck did you get that?" I ask.

"Doesn't matter. Here AJ," Ryan hands it to me and pats my back twice.

"What do you expect me to do with this!" I exclaim.

"You know, get him. You've beat up countless guys, what's one more," Ryan shrugs. He's right I've beat up an endless amount of guys. Anyone who tried me. I have the worst anger issues. It has even landed me in jail. Countless times.

"Not with a fucking crowbar," I shove the crowbar back into Ryan's hands. "I'm not trying to murder someone," I tell him. He rolls his eyes and stands up.

"I'll do it," he runs full force after the janitor and hits him in the head with the crowbar. The janitor falls to the ground screaming but that doesn't stop Ryan. He continues beating him with the crowbar.

"We need to get the fuck out of here. Ryan is fucking insane man," Ben says. We all agree and run out and pass Ryan into the hallway. I begin hearing police sirens as we run down the halls. All of us stop walking when we spot Coach Benson.

"You boys are in trouble," he yells angrily.

"You guys run through the back. Go!" I yell defending my team. They all run off. I sprint full force at my coach tackling him to the ground. I get in a few hits, unable to control myself until I'm ripped off by police officers. I smirk at my bruised and bloody coach as he coughs for air. I'm handcuffed right in the school before being taken into custody.

Ryan got 12 years for murdering the janitor. The football team got a suspension for the rest of the year. After they escaped through the back they weren't able to tell which football players were involved. Luckily for me I had an option. It was either 6 years for trespassing, vandalism and assault or the stupid camp. Not to mention I got set back a year because of my shitty grades. And my girlfriend. Haven't seen her since that day in the hall.

AJ's POV - OVER - Charm's POV

"All I'm saying is Ryan must be a fucking psychopath," I laugh as everyone takes in AJ's story.

"Damn man. You really beat the shit out of your coach. Props," Zach holds out his fist and AJ rolls his eyes bumping it.

"But really AJ. You should be proud of how far you've come. Self growth is real," I hold out my hand to high-five him. AJ high-fives my hand.

"Thanks. I guess it's true. Shawn, your turn," AJ says.

"Oh gosh," Zach mutters.

"Shut up Zachary," Shawn rolls his eyes.

"No, no. Please go on," Zach takes a slice of pizza. "Explain how you almost killed me," Zach mutters under his breath.

"What?" Hendrix chokes on his drink.

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