41 - Bachelor X Bachelorette

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What's meant to be will always find a way


"Alcohol, games and movies. Isn't this what we do on the regular," I laugh in appreciation of their effort.

"Yes but we got these matching shirts," Tristan holds up a pink shirt that says Bride in calligraphic writing. And three other black ones that say Bride's Best Man.

"And we can hit the bar down the street or bake," Zach suggests.

"We also got your favourite crap. Nail polish, face masks and shit. A whole spa day before your wedding tomorrow," Dylan says pointing to a basket full of beauty items.

"I love it!" I rope all three guys into a giant hug. "I love you guys so much!" I squeal.

"Yeah, yeah. Just don't forget about us when you're married to some big hotshot," Dylan mutters jokingly. I ruffle his hair before pulling out of the hug.

"I won't ever. Duh!" I say in a dull tone.

"Oh and we made alcoholic slushies," Tristan lifts up a tray with four mini buckets. A pink one, blue one, green one and red one. They're filled to the top with a slushy like liquid and have different coloured umbrellas with a rubber ducky and straw in them.

"These are adorable," I laugh, picking up the pink bucket. "Wait who made them," I ask, mainly directing towards Zach.

"We all did. Don't worry we made sure Zach didn't over do it with the alcohol," Dylan assures. Loud music begins blaring and I look at Tristan with a smile on his face while he picks out songs on his phone.

"Let's bake first!"


"Just sit still. You look hot with black nail polish so shut up." I scold a whining Zach. I continue painting his nails black while Dylan does my toes.

"Popcorn refill!" Tristan exclaims walking back into the living room. Zach reaches for the popcorn but I slap his hand away.

"Your nails are wet," I remind cautiously.

"How else am I supposed to eat popcorn," Zach asks.

"With your eyes," Dylan says sarcastically. "Here," I reach and grab a handful of popcorn with my hand. Zach opens his mouth wide while I shove popcorn into his mouth, feeding him.

"Thank you," Zach muffles through a mouthful of popcorn.

"So Charm. Can we hear your vows," Tristan asks.

"My vows?" I question. I receive a perplexed look from the boys. "Oh my gosh! I didn't do any fucking vows. I didn't write them or start. Hell!" I panic, jumping to my feet.

"Calm down. Maybe Chase didn't even write any," Zach suggests.

"How would I know that?" I exclaim. I can't have Chase say a bunch of bullshit on why he loves me and how he will for the rest of my life. Then me, standing there looking like an idiot.

"Just call him," Dylan tosses me my phone. I hit the speed dial immediately calling Chase's number as his name flashes over my screen.

"Hello?" Chase picks up on the third ring.

"Chase Face!" I greet him with a high voice. My palms are sweating. This is probably the worst time to ask him.

"Luck! How's your bachelorette party," he asks.

"Um amazing! How about you? How're the strippers?" I ask. I hear Chase choke on something through the phone speaker.

"I'm not at a strip club," he corrects.

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