bloody shots

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We all got in, and yet again, I was squished. This time in between Minho and Aris. I was basically sitting halfway on both of their thighs. "How come Newt gets the front seat and I have to be sitting on you two?" I pouted. "Because... I actually don't know." Aris started but stopped. We all laughed for a second until we came to a stop. We all filed out and looked around. There were cars on the road, so we couldn't get through with the car. "Well, I guess we are on foot." Jorge said. We got our things out of the car and started walking. We looked through a couple of cars, but they looked abandoned. Me, Minho, and Aris were looking through one and we heard a bullet come and bounce off a car. "Get down!" I yelled.

Everyone hid behind the cars. "Is everyone okay?" Thomas shouted. "We're fine!" I heard Teresa yell back. "Does anybody know where those bloody shots came from?!" Newt shouted from beside me but got no answer. I slowly put my head above the car, Minho, Aris, and Newt were hiding under, but then a couple more shots came, this time close to my head. Minho and Newt both quickly pulled me back down since I was in between them. "Stay down." Minho told me. A second later I heard Jorge say, "Everybody, get ready to sprint back to the truck. And cover your ears!" I looked at Minho confused, and he looked back with the same face.

I heard an unfamiliar voice telling Jorge and Thomas to drop 'it', but I don't know what 'it' was. I looked behind me towards them and two girls with bandanas covering half their faces, with guns, told us to get up. "You three. Get up. Don't be stupid. Move!" They told us all. Aris came and stood by my side protectively along with Minho. They both stood a bit in front of me. "Aris?" The darker women asked. She took off her bandana and Aris said, "Oh my god, Harriet?" She walked you to him and hugged him while saying, "What the hell are you doing here?" The other girl took off her mask and hugged him, while he said, "Sonya." "Your lucky we didn't shoot your dumb ass." Sonya said as she pulled away.

Me and Minho looked at each other confused before I asked, "uh, what's happening?" Aris turned around and looked at me before smiling brightly. Yet again, the smile seemed familiar. "We were in the maze together," Aris told me. Harriet walked over and whistled before yelling, "We are clear guys! Come on out!" I heard shouts from the cliffs above us before many people could be seen standing on top of them. We followed the two girls to the right arms camp. They said they are who saved them. We got in trucks and drove to it. When we got there, it looked like a normal camp. The two girls started bringing us to someone.

"Where's Vince?" Sonya asked another man. "Over there." He replied before walking away. "Who's Vince?" I asked. "He's the person who decides if you get to stay." Harriet replied. "I thought the right arm was supposed to be an army." Minho said. "Ya, we were. This is all that's left of us." A man said as he came out of a tent and stood in front of us. "A lot of good people died getting us this far. Who are they?" The man asked. "They are immunes. Caught them coming up the mountain." Sonya replied. "Did you check em?" The man asked. "I know this guy Aris. I trust him." Harriet answered. "Well, I don't. Check them." The man said. 

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