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Park House

Park Areum Myung plopped down on her bed after she was done writing a song she's been struggling with for the last few days. Mom is late again, probably with her late night extra shifts. It is not something new, her mother did too many extra shifts to make the ends meet ever since her father died. Still, everytime her mother came late,it made her anxious. She wanted to make her mother's miseries disappear,a luxurious life, a life without loans, a life without worries. She wanted peace.

She was about to close her laptop when the notification bell made her groan since her eyes could not bear the light from the screen anymore. She cursed, more like rapped unholy words to the poor soul who sent the email at this hour.

With a death stare she glared at the screen opening the mail "I'm so done with spams, if I get one more...." her eyes which were ready to shoot canon balls a few moments back were shinning brighter than street lamp outside her house.

"I...I'm accepted into... Seoul University. I got the scholarship! " she finally managed to speak.
With that she screamed out loud, probably waking the entire neighborhood, jumping on the bed.

Song House
Song Min Hee was about to sleep after the quick shower when she heard her Dad calling, morelike yelling for her to come downstairs.

She sighed, "Here we go again."

"Eo Appa. " she mutterd, barely audible.

"This is how you're preparing for the entrance exams?" her Dad yelled, throwing the test papers on the coffee table.
She scored the highest in her class yet this wasn't good enough for her Dad. She sighed for like the zillionth time today, but didn't say anything.

"That is not enough for you to get into the Esteemed Medical College, you always dreamed of. " he said calming himself down.
Min Hee let out a small laugh as he mentioned 'her dream'. She raised her head and finally looked at her Dad in the eyes.

"It's not easy Appa. I tried , I tried really hard and then I realized...I don't think I want be a Doctor." She cursed herself for being so brave and thought to herself "Ya, stop spilling the truth. You're not Buddha, you'll get hurt idiot. He'll kill you!"

Her Dad was throwing daggers through his eyes at this point. One of his slipper was in his hand now, "Yah imma? What did you say?" he asked, no scratch that, he threatened his daughter to repeat what she just said. The worst thing was, even her mother was holding that cold glare. "He's right Min ah, this is for your future. We're just trying to help you follow your dream."
This is insane. I can't live like this anymore. I've been suppressing myself for the last 19 years not anymore. Mom's right, I should follow my dream. But what is my dream? Aish!!

Next day

"Are you sure Min ah? " Areum asked softly looking at the girl standing next to her with luggage.

"More than ever. I would rather be good at something I really enjoy than become a bad Doctor and ruin lives. " Song Min Hee smiled at her best friend reassuring her.
After bidding Areum's Mother farewell, both looked ahead at the bus reading the sign 'Busan to Seoul'. They took their seats and now Min hee's head was resting on Areum's shoulder beginning to fall asleep since she was tired after she literally Ran away from her home with some luggage and the money her parents saved for her med school.

Areum left her hometown, excited for the new chapter of her life to unfold and Min Hee tried figuring out the life she really wants on her own without her parents intruding in every step she took. they both drifted off to sleep thinking about what the future holds for them. Unknowingly, the pair smiled for their new start, 'Shijakhamnida' they both thought as the bus left for its destination.

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