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Areum jumped in shock as her phone rang bringing out her of her trance as she placed the note down to see who was calling.

"Ou Min ah? You're here? Okay I'll come to you don't roam around you'll get lost."

She tucked the note in her side pocket and with a sigh left the room to find her best friend.

'Why does he want to meet me?'

"Oi Areum, this way!" Min hee shouted spreading her arms in the air like a lost kid.

"I know what you look like idiot?" Areum laughed as they made their way to the administration.

"Hey, tell me how did you decide taking flute Major though?" Areum asked trying to divert her mind from other things.

"It was a momentary realisation, like when you hear or see something and you know this is what I want to do with my life." Min hee shrugged.

"One of those guys, from yesterday, was playing a melody I couldn't recognize yet felt familiar with, like I was a part of it? " Min Hee said, the last bit coming out more like a question.
"Ah it was driving me crazy! Trust me that's what I felt." Min Hee tried to convince her best friend who was smiling softly at her confused self.

"I know, you fool! The way you were talking about music I could sense you're really into it. Don't think much and just do it, I know you'll be fine." Areum said.

And that was it. That's all Min Hee needed. Every time Min Hee wanted something but wasn't quite sure about it Areum would solve it for her. Min Hee has always respected her judgement but didn't ever admit it aloud. She never had to.

"Hey, so if I tell you 'when sun goes down' it means sunset right?" Areum asked what had been bothering her for a while.
Min hee nodded calmly. They were in front of the admin office.

Areum was stressed out with her thoughts. 'This won't do, it's sunset now. And I really want answers, it's driving me crazy but I can't leave her alone. I can't be that self....'

"What are you thinking so hard about?" Min Hee stopped Areum's thoughts.

"I just had some work and... I feel terrible but..."

"Go then, but meet me outside in 30 minutes. I'll be fine here, go." Min hee reassured.

"For real? If anything goes wrong call me? I really have to settle some things. I'll meet you in less than 30 minutes. Bye, love you." Areum was in a hurry.

Min hee laughed at her clumsy friend as she moved towards the office.

So here she was waiting in the line patiently. When the girl in front of her was about to reach the counter, the door to the office swung open and everyone around her just started whispering. Min Hee being the clueless airhead she is didn't notice until someone behind her prompted.
"Omo! Aren't they part of the elites?"

'Boya igontoh?(What's that now?)
Are we back to Joseon? ' Min Hee thought laughing internally.

She turned back to see the anticipated Elites and started contemplating her life decisions.

There were two extremely handsome boys walking towards the counter with their hands in their pockets, winking and smirking at some girls, who later fainted.

All Min Hee could imagine was  the song from a drama screaming at her mind, 'Almost Paradiseee, Achimboda deo nunbusin, Nal hyanghan.. '

"No no! This ain't Boys over flowers and they're definitely not F4." She told herself quietly.

'God,this is embarassing to even Look at.'

They sauntered to the counter, ignoring the queue as if they were some garden gnomes. The shorter boy with pink hair revealed a rose from his jacket with a cute smile which made his eyes disappear. He gave it to the lady on the other side of the counter.

'Ahh so that's how things work here? I'll not let them walk all over me.'

Min Hee began screening the office with her NOT so hawk like eyes because she was squinting like an 100 year old lady right now. She stopped and smirked when she found something which checked her requirements and went ahead to pick it up and place it on the counter with a loud thump.
The boys snapped their head  hard to see what this weird thing was on the counter.

Turns out they were shocked to see a tiny cactus in pot, which was way bigger for that species.

'Why is this even here?' Min Hee thought while panting after lifting the weight like a daily wage earner after his hard work in the scorching sun.

'What the hell is wrong with this crazy girl?' the boys thought.

"Miss, I'm here for my enrollment. These are my files. " she said sweetly, after dismissing the boys like they were some 5 year old kids.

"Oh.. Ah I see." the lady collected her thoughts back after being startled by what just happened.

"And what would you like to opt for Miss? " the lady asked professionally.

"Bachelor of Music Degree with a Major in Orchestral Flute" she replied calmly.

"Aah, I have never seen young girls taking interest in this course. You have a peculiar taste I see." the lady smiled at me.

'Is it that rare? Should I really go for it?' She started panicking. 'Aish! I'll just go for it. There's no turning back now. Also I am a bit peculiar anyway,' she told herself.

But the boys who were heavily judging her a few seconds back were now critically analyzing her after what she just said.
"She does have a unique taste." the tall one with a cute boxy smile muttered.

"Finally, Hobi Hyung will get his chance!" the shorter guy squealed. Both high fived at the realization.

What kind of a name is Hobi? And what chance would he have?

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