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Min Hee entered their apartment hoping to find her best friend munching onto some chips while waiting for her to tell all about her blind date. But the couch was empty. She went to their shared bedroom only to find it locked. That's when Min Hee heard Areum's heart wrenching cries. She asked softly, "Should I stay with you honey?". The weeping stopped for a moment and then Areum mumbled, "I want to be alone for now, Min ah." across the closed door. Min hee was worried sick for her but she knew it was better to give her some space. She went to the kitchen, picked up the grocery list which was to be taken care of tomorrow, and walked out of the apartment.

Min hee was drowning in her own thoughts about her feelings. 'I shouldn't be doing this to myself. He likes someone else. My 'bestfriend' to be exact. Min hee was fighting within. "I'm pretty sure that's not on your grocery list." Min hee jolted at the familiar voice which she was recently very much drawn to unknowingly. She turned to the boy in front of her who had a goofy smile. "Oh what are you doing here Joon ah?" She was shocked, thinking about the chances of meeting him of all the people. "You're in the Men's section Min ah. You okay? You look a bit distracted." Namjoon said in a worried tone.

They were holding their own shopping bags, standing outside the mart. It was raining and they were waiting for it to stop. Min hee told Namjoon about Areum and that she was worried because Areum never broke down like that. "I think she just needs some time to settle her thoughts. As far as I know she's a strong girl. She'll get through whatever is going on. Don't worry much Min ah." Namjoon spoke softly to the distressed girl. Although Min hee understood he was just being a good friend but it only made things worse for her. Having feelings for a guy who likes their best friend will only end up in a crushing heartbreak. Looking at Min hee getting lost in her own world probably thinking about Areum, Namjoon thought about changing the topic. "So there's this girl I know... and... I really like her. And I'm thinking of confessing soon. Can you help me with that Min ah?" Namjoon asked with a playful smile which soon disappeared when, "I'm sorry Namjoon, I-I can't help you with that." Min ah said sternly her eyes were sparkling at this moment. Min hee realized it was too harsh and forced a smile, "I have lived a happily single life for as long as I can remember." Namjoon was about to say something but Min Hee cut him off turning serious all of a sudden, "But if I were that lucky girl I would have appreciated a simple red tulip rather than some fancy date." With that she left the guy speechless, hiding her own tears in the pouring rain. I need do something about it soon she thought.

Everyone knew about Yoongi's training by now. He'll be leaving in a week from now. This made them think about their future too. Some were happy with the way things were going, while some were thinking of being a little braver and let their feelings get the best of them. And there were some who were trying really hard to keep themselves from falling and focus on their dreams.

Min hee was still thinking how to deal with her damn feelings on the couch when Areum came with a puffy face and sat beside her. "We need to talk." Areum said with a emotionless voice. She told Min hee everything about the date. She cried because Yoongi was leaving? Min hee came to the conclusion, "Do you like him that much?".
"It doesn't matter anymore, I need to move on Min ah." Areum said and left her bestfriend with a new set of thoughts. I can't see her like this. She needs someone right now. Maybe Namjoon can fix her broken heart. I can't stand in their way. I need to leave.

Jimin was sitting alone in the studio where he and JK practiced for their audition. He was staring blankly outside the window, Jungkook's reply repeating in his head like a chant.
"Do you have a reason to not go on the blind date?" Seokjin asked the young lads.
Jungkook stared at Jimin for a while before saying, "No hyung. Why would I reject a blind date when I'm not even interested in someone." laughing nervously afterwards.
"What was I even expecting? Of course he would rather date a girl than be with me" Jimin thought out loud shattering his heart in the process.

Min hee was almost done with her shift wiping the last table for the day. With Areum leaving the part time to focus on her auditions, Min hee was all alone. She left her apron neatly on the counter when she heard the door open. She turned to greet the customer only to find it was the dimpled guy. "Oh Joon ah. Take a sit. You want the regular right?" She was about to go back in the kitchen when Namjoon replied, "Actually I'm here to pick you up. It's raining outside." He pointed towards the street remembering to see her without an umbrella in the college too.

Namjoon held the umbrella while walking Min hee to her apartment. "Thanks Joon ah. You really didn't have to do this." Min hee gave a small smile which wasn't radiant like earlier anymore. She didn't realize Namjoon stopped walking until he spoke the next words, "I'm going to confess today." That's what it took to make Min hee lose her will to walk anymore. She was stuck to the ground as if paralyzed. She didn't turn around because if she did Namjoon would see her unending tears even if it were raining. And she knew what she had to do to keep herself from shattering into pieces in front of him so she mumbled weakly, "I wish I could stay here to congratulate you but I'm going back to Busan because of some family matter. I'll be back after the summer break. I know you'll make her the happiest woman, Joon ah. Goodbye." With that she ran away without turning back as fast she could, away from the heart break. What she was unaware of that she wasn't the only one with a broken heart that night. A red tulip slipped to the ground from Namjoon's hand. "How will I make her happy when she is going so far away?" the boy said to the disappearing figure.

Min hee was still running not knowing where she was headed. She stopped after sometime, breaking down when she couldn't take it anymore. She crumbled down on the empty street. Sumgyeowasseo (I've been hiding it, I'll tell you something). She wanted someone to hear her heart out but couldn't tell this to the only person she wanted to say this the most. She kept her head low crying her eyes out when she noticed a pair of shoes in front of her. Min hee hesitantly looked up and there it was. She felt a comforting stare which could melt one's soul. She smiled at those eyes.

"I'm here for you Min ah." crouching down, there was Taehyung holding his jacket over the weeping girl.

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