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"So what are the rules?" Areum asked with a tipsy Min hee resting on her shoulder.

"The rules are easy..." Jin remarked, clapping his hands, regaining his MC skills, "which is .... there are none. No rules. The one who loses gets choosen."

Jin called Jimin out for starters. They shouted in unison
"An naemyeon jin geo Gaawi baai bo...(if you don't put out you lose rock paper scissors)!!!"

Jimin screamed wheh he lost indicating his punishment.

"Jiminah...truth or dare?" Namjoon asked with a wicked smile. Jimin faked a smile as he chose truth.

Areum raised her hand to ask, everyone nodded, "If on gunpoint, you were to kiss anyone present here, who would it be? And FYI, girls are off limits."

Everyone ooh'd at the question, impressed by Areum's wicked mind.

Jimin seemed to be in dilemma as he kept his eyes fixated to the ground. All the guys anticipated the answer when Jimin stood up in a swift motion.

"Jungkook ah, Neoneun na (You are me)...." as his face had a sly smile and hands pointed to JK.
JK stood up as well and imitated.

"Naneun neo (I'm you)..."

As everyone laughed at their behaviour, jungkook tried his best to hide his blush as he looked at Jimin who was staring at him but gazed away. This is strange. He thought.

Next up was Yoongi and Namjoon.
"Are you scared Yoongi? Be prepared to dance." Namjoon made an evil laugh.

"The only thing I'm scared of is you, I hope I don't die playing with you."
Yoongi retorted which made everyone laugh.
An naemyeon jin geo Gaawi baai bo...

Yoongi walked back to his seat with a smirk.

"Geniuses never lose!"

"Namjoon hyung,truth or dare?" Jungkook asked excitedly.

'These guys are merciless, who knows what they'll make me do..'

"Truth!" he said raising his hand.

"Waitt... I have q-question for you.... Joon aahh" Min hee slurred before anyone could say or even think about something. Namjoon raised both his eyebrows innocently signalling her to continue.

"What kind of a person you think I am after... I... told you the truth?"
The drunk girl asked.

Everyone was now looking between Namjoon and Min Hee like they were watching a tennis match. Hosoek cocked his eyebrows at Areum to pry any information but she wasn't sure herself and shook her head. Namjoon looked at Areum calculating something carefully.

Ah! I'll take my chances,he thought before replying.

"I have no idea what that even means, you're so drunk that you don't even realize what you're asking Min Hee."
He laughed nervously.

"Whatever! My turn..." Min Hee declared as she tried to sit up straight.

"I choose TRUTH!"

Areum kept striking Min Hee's back softly to comfort her and Min hee smiled at her sweetly. Sitting across them, Yoongi found them interesting.

' The bond they share is really cute, ah why am I suddenly interested in them?'

Everyone thought what they could possibly ask a drunken sailor to make the evening memorable, that's when Yoongi shifted in his seat.

"I'll ask!"

"This is going to be interesting, I've never seen hyung take interest in such games before." Jimin smirked ad Yoongi flipped him off.

"Min hee ssi, it looks like you really adore Areum..." with Yoongi's each word Min Hee became more concentrated smiling at Areum once again.

"Yes, I love this crapbag."

Everyone laughed.

"Hmm...Tell me do you regret anything in your life regarding Areum?"

Min Hee stopped smiling as she glanced away from Areum to look at Yoongi.

"Are you kidding me?"

She asked rather furiously clenching her fist, ready to go after Yoongi.

"I was just curious..." Yoongi shrugged.

Watching Min hee getting angry, Areum became nervous.

"Min ah let's stop for today, you must be sleepy." Min Hee shook her head and glanced at the firewood burning for a while, slowly becoming sad rather than angry.

"There's one thing though, I wish I could change." Min hee slurred her words slowly.

Areum's anxiousness made Yoongi regret his question. "I said Stop it Min Hee..." Areum begged but Min hee won't bother.

Everyone was unsure about the situation.

"You see, when I was in middle school, I used to be bullied by our mutual friend..." Min hee began in a trance. She didn't even noticed that Areum was no longer holding her and was on the brink of tears.

"Funnily I don't even remember her name, but the scars, they just wouldn't go." She pouted with eyes full of tears looking at Hobi.

"It was casual bullying, until she started physically hurting me. That's when Areum first noticed my bruises. She was a quiet kid, the good kid who wouldn't mingle with other's business but she stood up for me, you know. ME! The coward who couldn't even protect herself." She laughed looking at the ground.
"One day, that girl started slapping me because I mixed her assignments. She pushed me so hard that my back was injured severely. Areum came running after hearing my screams and when she found me on the ground..." Min Hee smiled sadly as Areum wept silently.

"... She went straight ahead and slapped that girl hard. Heroic right? But that girl along with her sidekicks...she...she started kicking and slapping Areum. She pushed Areum so hard that she fell off the stairs, and I couldn't help her at all."
Everyone was silent, not knowing exactly what to say. "Areum lost a school year due to treatment and rehabilitation. An entire year... because of me. If only she had ignored me or just left..."


Areum screamed. She stood up, as a reflex everyone did the same.

" Stop... I can't... I'm sorry I have to go." Areum left the place wiping her tears as Min Hee broke down completely.

She knew she broke her best friend's heart again.

"Damn it" Yoongi left the bonfire as well.

Before anyone could act, Min Hee stood up to leave only to end up fainting. Taehyung rushed to pick her up.

"Aigooo poor thing, for how long did you keep it in your heart?" He asked the unconscious girl as he placed her in the tent.

"Aish! I knew this wouldn't end well,you guys sleep well. Let me go take care of things." Namjoon disappeared into thin air.

"Gosh she walks fast! Areum wait!"

Yoongi screamed.

Areum turned in shock as he was the last guy she would've expected to follow her.

"What do you want? Leave me alone!"

"Look at yourself, I can't leave you alone like that." Yoongi replied sarcastically though earnestly.

"I really don't have the energy to deal with you right now." Areum sighed.

"I know, that's why I'm taking you to meet someone who'll cheer you up. Once you're happy or less sad, then I'll leave you alone." Yoongi reassured her.

"Ugh, fine but where are we going?"

"To my house." He dragged her to his car.

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