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Who said silence is comfortable? This silence is driving me crazy, Yoongi dramatically sighed as Areum gazed straight out at the road. He kept cursing himself for asking that question. Curiosity kills the cat indeed.

"I'm sorry..."

Both exclaimed in unison. Yoongi turned his head to watch Areum with a questioning look.

"I'm sorry for ruining the night."

Areum smiled apologetically avoiding his sad eyes.

"No no, it's all my fault. Had I not asked the question things would've been different." Yoongi sounded guilty. Another round of silence fell as Areum squirmed on her seat looking out the window.

"Finally, we're here." Yoongi met Areum's doubtful eyes with a smile.

They got out of the car and approached the front door of the house. He punched in the code and opened the door.

I thought he lived alone. Areum thought as she saw a small and extremely cute girl peaking out of a room across the hall.


She screamed as she ran and fell into his arms.

APPA? He's a dad? When did that happen?

Yoongi's gummy smile made Areum forget what she was thinking. It was the first time she saw him smile so bright.

"Appa?" Areum asked sounding sad for some unknown reason. Yoongi tilted his head like a lost puppy to understand what she was referring to, and his eyes widen when he realised.

"No, no. NO! I can explain. Yoonji, this is Areum Unni," he informed the kid, apparently Yoonji, as he took her in his arms.
"and Areum this piece of sh... Angel is my sister." He smiled as he turned to Yoonji.

"Yah, how many times do I have to say's OPPA and not APPA" he laughed and Areum was shocked to hear how he transformed his cold voice into this cute puppy voice.

"Oppa, she is so beautiful. I want to grow up like her." Areum smiled at Yoonji's toothless confession. Yoongi smiled as well looking at Areum and shrugging.
Areum cleared her throat before speaking.

"Yoonji, wanna play?"

The two kids were now playing dollhouse at the living room as Yoongi made dinner. Areum was at awe at the sight of Chef Yoongles, with his sleeves rolled up and all the veins in his arms popping up and the way his sweat.... What's wrong with you? Get a hold of yourself young lady!

After dinner, Yoonji fell asleep on Areum's lap holding onto her pinky, smiling. It's been a while since Areum felt this happy and carefree.Yoongi picked Yoonji up with a soft smile.

"let me tuck her in, I'll be back." Areum nodded as Yoongi left.

Let's clean some plates,shall we?

She was so lost in thoughts that she didn't even notice Yoongi beside her, drying the washed dishes.

"What are you thinking about?" He asked with concern. Areum shrugged. With that, silence again prevailed as they both did the dishes quietly.

"So Yoonji huh?" Areum broke the silence.
"Yeah I named her. Because she obviously looks like me, you know..." Yoongi shrugged.

Areum raised her eyebrows as to question Yoongi, who replied, "What? Look at her...cute,wise and exactly like me. Thus Yoonji!" Areum laughed out loud.

"I mean she does have cute cheeks like steam buns but in no way does she look like an annoyed kitty." Yoongi squinted his eyes, "what's that supposed to mean?" he tried sounding annoyed but both ended up laughing.

Areum suddenly stopped laughing and stared at the dishes zoning out. Yoongi became anxious.
"What's wrong? Did I say something to offend you? I'm sorry I..."

Areum cut him off, "I was just wondering how Min Hee's doing. It was pretty selfish of me to leave her like that alone with 6 guys, not to mention drunk." She sounded really worried.

"She's gonna be fine, the guys will take good care of her. So don't worry. Take a break once a while..." Areum looked at Yoongi with unreadable expression.

"Look I really am sorry. I shouldn't have asked that question, I don't know what..." Yoongi began only to stop when Areum banged her hands on the counter.


"I shouldn't have left and you shouldn't have interfered. Did I ask you where your parents were and why were you taking care of that little girl all alone?" She was breathless by the time she blurted out her frustration.

Yoongi was speechless as he kept thinking 'Should I?'

He stepped forward, closer to Areum and stopped right in front of her. He was so close that she could feel his breath. He raised his hands to wipe the tears on her face that she had no idea escaped.

"Then ask me." He said softly. Areum looked at his bright hazel eyes, enchanted.

"Ask me what's on your mind. I brought you here, so you have every right to ask me. But first....breathe" He smiled warmly as he moved away. Areum released a breath she didn't realise she was holding in but didn't utter a word as she kept her eyes fixed at his.

"I ran away from home when I was 15, came to Seoul with lots of dreams but no money. I started doing three part time jobs along with my education." Yoongi started as he picked on his fingernails. "By 17, I found this place, also Jin hyung helped a lot. It was affordable and near to my part-times. One day, I was returning home, when I heard a baby crying. That was the day, I found Yoonji abandoned. I brought her home and tried finding her parents, only to become her parent myself. She has nobody but me."

There were so many things Areum wanted to say but couldn't frame anything. She went straight and hugged Yoongi. She always knew that there was more to what he shows to people, but had no idea he'd turn out like this.

"You must've been through a lot." She mumbled softly. After a while,both of them jerked apart being awkward. Yoongi scratched his neck and went back to do the dishes.
"Stop saying sorry, it really irks me." Areum said feigning annoyance.

"Okay but I really felt terrible, I thought it'd help." Yoongi retorted.

"That was a terrible idea to help. If you really want to help, how about you...." She wiggled her eyebrows clearly having evil motive. "How about I, What?" Yoongi asked, not liking how the conversation is going.
Why do I have a bad feeling? He thought.

"How about you help me reconcile with Min Hee and... And also with my assignment?" She made a puppy face to which Yoongi eye rolled.

"I should start going to church, God must really hate me." Areum pleaded him with folded hands. Yoongi sighed, "Okay,I can Make it right!"

It was 2 in the morning and they were working with her assignment.

What Min Hee did was very unlikely of her, she's strong, quiet and doesn't care about other's opinions. Yet her behaviour at the camp was unlike her. Is this what I think it is? Does that mean she likes...

"Yah, It's not my assignment, why am I doing all the work. Why are you zoning out so much?" Yoongi interrupted Areum's thoughts.

"Oh sorry, it's just... nothing. Are we done?" Areum asked brightly.

"Am I God? I can't work so fast...." He complained.

"Lemme make us some coffee" Areum got up as Yoongi nodded.

" I think I've figured it out... I have this hunch, and I need a way to know it for sure." Areum sighed.

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