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"Let's go, shall we?" Min hee gestured towards a car which she borrowed from Hoseok. The sly woman somehow managed Namjoon to tag along on a long drive. Min hee was about to open the door and take the driver's seat when Namjoon interrupted rather shyly, "Hey,I can't let a girl drive when she's with me, it's not very gentlemanly. Give me the keys." She handed him the keys and smiled looking down, turning to move towards the passenger seat.  She was almost done fixing her seat belt, she widened her eyes at the realization, If you pay a little attention, you might get your answer. Taehyung's words suddenly popped into her head. 'But I never said it was about me. Oh my God! Tae knows! How am I gonna face him now? This is the epitome of embarrassment!' Min hee was thinking about the mess she created when her phone showed a notification. A text message from Taehyung.

It was dark now, moonlight showering all over their hideout. The pair parked their car somewhere up in a hill from where one could get a magnificent view of the glistening city. They were laying over the bonet of the car, staring at the sky like it had all the answer they ever wanted. "How did you know about this place?" Min hee broke the silence. "I got lost once while driving through the city and accidentally came across this place. Soon enough this ended up being my escape when I'm stressed or needed a break." He explained calmly admiring the moon. Min hee felt giddy as he was sharing such special thing with her. So, as a sign of gratitude,she decided to tell him one of her own too.
"Do you know why I chose Orchestral Flute course when I could go for something else, given my merit?" She said smiling reminiscing her choice,"It was when we met for the first time."  "Ah yes when Hoseok caught you peeking at us standing on a dustbin? " Namjoon smirked playing the scene in the past in his head. "You didn't have to put it like that but yeah. I was mad at him but then shrugged it off because of the flute piece he played that day. It felt strangely familiar, like a lullaby your mom would sing to you every night. It was very consoling and brought me to peace, given the hard day I faced. It was then I felt, I wanted to console someone like this someday, I want to bring peace to every chaos there is.... and that's how he helped me decide to be where I'm today." She said dreamily. She quickly added, "And of course I know he didn't play it with his nose." when she thought Namjoon would judge her weirdly.

He just chuckled lightly, "I didn't imagine I would become the reason for someone to realize their dream." Min hee was now surprised, looking at the boy beside her. " It was me. I played that music and it was an original one. When I was five,My grandparents used to live in Busan before moving to Ilsan and I often spent my summer breaks there. Maybe that's when you heard that. Woah, I guess destiny really exists." Namjoon explained laughing a little at the end. Silence fell again but this time it was awkward. Min hee wanted them to talk some more and in a rush she blurted out an utterly dismantled acrostic poem on the moon. At first,Namjoon was startled by her sudden outburst before finally saying, "Hajima! (Don't do it.)" yet smiled at her pathetic try.

Namjoon got up, jumped off the bonet and turned towards the girl. "I've been noticing you're acting weird these days. You okay Min ah?" He asked the latter softly, concern evident in his voice. "Is something bothering you?" He asked again when Min hee didn't reply. 'You' Min hee wanted to say but instead spoke, "Appa". Yes it was partially true. They were distant like ever. The boy sighed. "Get down." He said. Min hee was now standing beside Namjoon. "Now...shout 'Appa' facing the city, as loud as you can." He said beaming like a kid. "What are you twelve?" Min hee retorted. " C' mmon! atleast try it." He nudged her. She low-key wanted to do it. So she did but, "Yah! Even I couldn't hear you and I'm literally right next to you. Louder!" Namjoon encouraged. This made Min hee shout her lungs out and it worked. She crouched down and Namjoon bent down to her level, "Feeling good now?" he asked smiling. "Now you go." She said. "You want me to do it too?" He asked. "Yeah because I'm not doing this alone like a maniac. Now go before I push you off." she threatened. Something changed in Namjoon's expression at the moment. He pulled his fingers into a fist and stood back up shouting, "Song Min Hee!"

Jungkook was outside the studio for practice when Taehyung called him to inform that he won't be able to make it today. He grumbled and went inside to find Jimin leaving. The awkwardness in the air was prominent when their eyes met. "You're leaving?" JK asked him opening his shoes. " Uh yeah... I'm done for the day. What about Taehyung? Why are you alone?" Jimin inquired. "That jerk bailed out the last moment, says he feels 'under the weather'!" Jungkook huffed clearly annoyed. Jimin nodded and was about to leave when Jungkook asked him to stay and judge whether his act was good enough. "Me? I-I can try.... I mean I am free and..." Jimin stuttered, taken aback. "Let's go!" JK pushed him back inside.

Watching Jungkook stretch, Jimin thought about the time they practiced together; the fun, the pain, the bruises,the brunches. As the memories flooded him, he found himself regretting his life choices. Jungkook grabbed the microphone, closed his eyes and started,
"That faint voice of yours that grazed me,
Please call my name one more time..."
Jimin held his breath listening to his angelic voice. Jungkook kept dancing softly as he sang the song. Suddenly, he turned around and sang,
"We laugh together, we cry together
Maybe these simple feelings
Were everything to me.
When will that day come?
When I see your face again?
I want to look you in the eyes and say...
Bogoshipeosseoyo! (I missed you!)

He kept his eyes fixated at Jimin as he sang the verse making Jimin sweat a little. He turned back again and completed the song, running back to sit beside Jimin to rest before starting the next song. He was breathing hard, Jimin passed a bottle of water, "that was.... Good." He said totally awestruck. JK smiled at his compliment, "I wrote it a month after our auditions..." Jimin looked at him, 'when I left him to go solo!',  feeling sorrowful. Silence fell over them.

" Stop copying me you know..." Jimin broke the silence teasingly. JK feigned a offended look, "When have I ever?" "You especially copy me all the time. You copied being born in Busan, you started dancing like I did, started wearing coloured contacts... also you copy the way I dress..." He ranted with straight face. "Wahhh... You're unbelievable really!" Jungkook sighed and then bursted into laughter. The awkwardness that was built up for the past year dissipating into thin air.

Min hee fell back on the ground. 'Did I make him that frustrated? I should've just stayed away.' the poor girl was blaming herself. "I'm sorry." Min hee mutterd weakly hanging her head low. Namjoon turned towards her now. "You're right. You should be." He accused her with a softer tone. He was confused himself. He wanted to be angry but her face was making him go weak. "I know this week I've been troubling you a lot but at least tell me which one made you this furious. Then I'll be able to apologize properly to you." Min hee said thinking about all the embarrassing situations she had been involved in. She promised herself to kill the particular elite whose brilliant idea just made this adorable koala into a fuming beast.
Breaking her imaginary plans for the revenge against the elites Namjoon said, "A year ago. When I finally gathered enough courage to say what I've been dying to say....but you, you just left! Something inside me kept saying..... But you didn't even look at me.
If you had then you would've seen the broken pieces of my heart!"

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