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Hoseok was bored out of his mind, now that he couldn't annoy the Busan girls. It's been 2 weeks since Areum was taking some time to heal and Min hee was taking care of her. The guys were busy with their preparations for BigHit auditions too so they hardly managed to have a meal together. He ran his squirrel mind and came up with a plan to have some fun. He invited everyone over for a night out,but to his dismay most of them already had plans and texted him back as they can't make it. Seokjin had a family dinner to attend, Yoongi have to go somewhere which can't be delayed, Taehyung was out of town for holiday with his brother. But luckily the girls and Namjoon agreed. The mere thought of taking Areum out of her house was enough to make Hoseok happy.

Jimin and JK were always at each others' throats. This time they were practicing for their upcoming auditions when the duo broke out into a pretty intense argument. Jimin was fuming in anger as he banged the door close, "Do whatever you want, don't call me!" with that he stormed off.
Jimin was walked towards his apartment, 20 minutes away from the studio. It was raining hard outside when he received a call from JK, he picked up although he was still angry. "Hyyu-ng nnim. Nne...gaa jhhailmuthesso (I am so sorry)" a sobbing Jungkook said. "Yah,I told you not to call me." Jimin tried to sound angry but was really worried about him. "Where are you?" he inquired.
"I don't know where I am..." the bunny cried into the phone. "Tell me where you are and I'll come and get you." Jimin became restless with the way he was crying. Jungkook was unable to recognise the place so he took a taxi to where Jimin was. Jimin waited for 10 minutes when a cab arrived before him. As if all his angst washed away with the rain, Jimin saw a lost jungkook getting off the cab. "Jungkook ah!" He walked towards him and hugged JK tightly. They bickered about how a grown up can get lost,then they both just laughed, totally forgetting about the plan to meet the rest.

Areum was dressed up pretty well since she will finally be able to get out in the fresh air. She was about to leave when she checked her phone one last time. And was utterly disappointed when the voicemail from Hoseok which said he had to take care of some family matter and won't be able to make it. Why do plans always get cancelled at the end moment? Aish,I got ready for nothing, Areum sighed sadly. She was about to call someone to hang out. Just then Yoongi called, she picked up at the speed of lightening like she was waiting for him to call. "Hey, where are you?" He sounded breathless. "What's wrong? You okay?" Areum sounded concerned. "Yoonji's really sick and I don't know who else to cal..." that's the only thing Areum heard as her battery died.

Yoongi was growing impatient by each passing moment when his front door opened with a bang revealing a rather panting Areum. She was breathing hard as if she was being chased by a street dog. Yoongi was stunned at the beauty in front of him. Areum gained her ability to speak and said, "I came as soon as possible, how's Yoonji? Did you get her some medicines?" Yoongi realized it was not the time for his hormones to get better of him. He shook his head, explained the situation and how he had to leave so urgently for an interview. Areum nodded as he thanked her for the millionth time. "Wait, you sure you're wearing that?" Areum asked sarcastically eyeing him. He looked unsure of himself as Areum recommended him some clothes from his wardrobe. Areum waited for him as he wore his shoes ready to head out, not to mention the drooling effect it had on her. "Thank you so much, really. Take care of each other....and oh you look beautiful!" He smiled as he took off making Areum blush.

Two grown ass adults stood outside a big entrance to an amusement park holding their tickets which was apparently planned by Hoseok, clueless of how they got ditched by their other friends.
"Where are they?" Namjoon and Min Hee muttered together. They decided to call them and saw all the texts and voicemail. "I really wanted to go." Min Hee mumbled to herself but Namjoon heard it and smiled as he turned around facing her. It wasn't raining anymore and the sky was brighter than ever tempting the pair to go inside.
"Then let's show you how it's done." the dimple guy smiled holding out his hand for her to begin their adventure. She looked at his hands and back to him, fighting her thoughts before slowly slipping her hands into his.

The adults turned kids were now merrily hopping from one ride to another. They were about to ride the rollercoaster when Min hee tugged onto Namjoon's shirt, "Before I get onto that, get an ambulance ready." she was scared hiding behind him. "Hey, you can just hold onto my shirt. I know it looks scary but trust me you'll have the time of your life." Namjoon was beaming like this was all he was living for. "Of course it will since I'll die after this, might as well experience the journey to hell. Tell the police I died because of Hoseok and donate my stuffs to orphanage" she ranted sarcastically as he just laughed.
The ride was about to start, Min hee closed her eyes with all the force she had in her body. 'Don't wanna be fool, wanna be cool, just wanna be loved' she was muttering a song Areum wrote to distract herself. Just then Namjoon unclenched her hand which was holding onto his shirt and intertwined with his. "Open your eyes and feel the wind Min ah!" Both of them shouted when cart started moving. There was smile plastered on their faces.

They made their way to various food carts and tried almost everything. "Here, let me help you. Aigooo Your appetite really reminds me of Taehyung." Namjoon laughed as he wiped away some bread crumbs with his handkerchief from her face. If he cares for his friend so much, then I think Areum will be just fine, Min hee pondered smiling at the guy stuffing his mouth with some more food. Namjoon will definitely take care of Areum. Min Hee reassured herself as she smiled at him.

But the thing which bothered Min Hee was this unreadable feeling in her gut. Deep within, her heart was aching.

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