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"Sunday mornings should be defined as national lazy morning..." Areum plopped down from the couch after watching the recent episode of an ongoing drama. She made her some breakfast not bothering to wake Min Hee who stayed up late last night. "What should I do today?" Areum sighed with a toast on her hand.

After a quick shower, she decided to visit Yoonji, her new entertainment partner. Sticking a note on Min Hee's forehead she left the house.

Areum knocked the door twice before Yoonji showing up. "Unnie!" The toothless girl beamed. Areum picked her up," let's play, where's Oppa?" Yoonji didn't reply rather giggled eyeing towards the hall. They stepped inside only to find Yoongi doing weird dance on the floor, "Jinjaaro Min Suga Rap cheonchae jjang jjang man boong boong!!"

Both the girls laughed out loud leaving him embarassed. He got up hurriedly,"You weren't supposed to see that!" Areum stepped closer, "you seem to be in a good mood today." Yoongi gave her a rare gummy smile,"I am indeed. Today's the happiest day of my life." Areum smiled. "Which reminds me, are you free?" He asked to which she nodded. "Great, get ready then. We're going out." He smiled warmly.
Areum was confused and unsure,"We are?". He nodded as she continued with a big smirk and raised eyebrows," Is it a date?"
"If you wear a dress, it will be." He winked. I was kidding but did he just wink? Did Min Yoongi just wink at me?
She couldn't even voice her thoughts as Yoongi pushed her out saying he'll pick her up at 4'O clock. That cheeky asshole.

Jin entered his house to find Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook playing Uno. "Aye, will you guys waste your youth playing these silly games?" He teased them. They shushed him continuing. "Fine, do whatever you want but Jungkook ah, please help your Hyung out." Jin made puppy eyes. Jungkook raised his head and gave him a sign to continue,too engrossed in the game. Jin sighed, "I have this blind date today, but I can't go because mom will be visiting. And she's a friend of a friend of mine. So please, this once, just once cover for me." He completed in one breath. Jimin stopped playing as he turned to look at Jin,"Hyung,you can't force him to do stuffs like that." He said sounding annoyed. Jungkook nodded. Jin was pretty frustrated himself as he looked at them, "Do you have a good reason why he can't go on the date?"

"I don't have anything to wear!" Areum cried out as Min hee sat and watched her friend facing a crisis. She got up and pulled out a suitcase from God knows where. Where did that come from? Areum thought as Min Hee placed it in front of her. "Thank your Mom, she sent these a week ago." She shrugged and sat back down. "Where are you going though?" Min Hee asked munching on nachos. Areum debated over whether she should say or not. "How about I tell you after I come?" She said pinching her cheeks as Min Hee kept complaining.

10 minutes to go, Areum sighed looking at the mirror, somewhat satisfied with her choice. Yoongi texted that he'll be there in 5 minutes so she did a final touch up, slid on her heels and grabbed her purse to leave. Min Hee left an hour ago for library. A car honk indicated that he was here. When she opened the door, she was mesmerized to see Yoongi standing with flowers in his hand, wearing a red dress-shirt,his hair pulled back exposing his forehead looking astonishing.
Yoongi stared at the beauty, mouth open in awe. "So it's a date!" He said smiling, cheekily pointing at the way she wore a dress, shining like a star. He offered her his arms which she took rather happily.

"Where are we going?" Areum smiled. Yoongi smirked, "That's for me to know and..." "You to see. Heard that before" Areum completed him, reminiscing 'the beach day'.

He stopped the car outside a lawn, got out and opened the door for Areum. She was enchanted by the view; the lights,soft music and Yoongi smiling at her. "You did all this?" She asked too happy to form a proper sentence. Yoongi smiled wider. He helped her settle,the music in the background making her giddy. They drank wine and talked about random stuffs.

As the night went on, their smiles became wider. He pulled his hand out asking her for a dance. She stood up as he stepped forward taking her hands and pulling her closer. "I told you today is the happiest day of my life, right?" He whispered in her ear. The arms that rescued her continued to hold her, and what the fall had failed to do to her heartbeat, his close proximity completed.
Yoongi took the silence as a signal to continue. "I wanted you to be the first one to know about this." He tucked in a loose strand of her hair, making all her confusion vanish with a mere touch. "Remember that interview I gave? I got accepted Areum!" He exclaimed engulfing her into a tight hug. "Oh my god, I knew you'd do it. I'm so happy for you..." She smiled as he looked her into her eyes. "Thank you. It would've been impossible without you. It's for you I'll be going to my dream place,USA." He beamed. Areum's breath stopped. "USA? For a year?" Yoongi nodded smiling.

Areum was bewildered, thousands of thoughts clouding her mind. It's his dream to go. I should be happy. What is this feeling? If he leaves, what will happen to us? She was thinking about his future when she noticed Yoongi going down on his knees. "Areum, will you..." He started but was stopped when Areum took a step back. "Stop. Please don't." Areum looked at him with tearful eyes. "What's wrong?" Yoongi became nervous as he got up and stepped closer to her. She stepped back again, breaking Yoongi's heart.
"We shouldn't be doing this. You are one step away from achieving your dream and I don't want to distract you or be a barrier between you and your dream." She said with a breaking voice. Yoongi shook his head, "but you're not. You're my motivation,my muse. Just listen to me..." He tried even though he knew Areum was headstrong about it.

"You can't start the next chapter of your life if you keep re-reading the last one. What do you think will happen to us after you leave? I don't want to stay with this uncertainty." Areum sighed trying not to shed a tear. Yoongi tried for the last time, "But we can make it happen. I will make it happen. I-I lo..." "Let's just go, I'm tired." She said grabbing her purse,leaving the guy heartbroken.

I'm going to smile and make you think I'm happy, I'm going to laugh, so you don't see me cry, I'm going to let you go, and even if it kills me - I'm going to smile. Areum said to herself as she saw Yoongi approach the car. The ride home was silent other than the song on the radio...

I can't help it, there's no other way.
I collect myself that's shattered beneath the moonlight.
We are the children of the moon
I breathe the cold night air.
Yes we're livin' and dyin'
At the same time.

Yoongi stopped in front of her apartment. Screaming silence residing between them. "You'll come to the airport, right?" Yoongi said out of everything he wanted to. Areum looked at him for a couple of minutes before getting down and running to her door. She went inside without sparing him another look. Yoongi slamed his hands as he drove off.

Areum cried her eyes out, emptying her heart thinking, I ruined his happiest day.

She got changed and pulled out her phone to see two messages. One from Yoongi and the other from Hoseok. She opened Hoseok's and smiled.

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