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I'm really about to be a father again...woah. Prince kept thinking until his thoughts raced back to what Sanaa had said a few minutes prior.

I love you too. And so does he.

"W-wait we're going to have a son?" He suddenly asked and she sat up in the hotel bed. She gave a little shrug, reaching out to caress his cheek. "We would still have to go to the doctors of course for a sonogram but I don't know, I feel it in my soul that Mia is gonna have a baby brother" Sanaa spoke softly with a smile before giving me a kiss on the cheek and I blushed a bit, the realization now actually settling in.

Mia will have a younger brother?

We'll have a son?

It wasn't long before the tears stung my vision and I shut my eyes however, it was useless as they already trickled down. I felt Sanaa quickly grab my hand in hers, giving it a reassuring squeeze as she simply remained quiet. I knew she understood I had wanted to say something but the words seemed stuck in my throat. She remained patient as I let out a shaky sigh. "I, I'm beyond excited. R- Really...it's, it's just t-that..." I took in another shaky breath, my hands trembling as I tried to find the words to continue.

"What if I fail him, San? I don't want to repeat any of the mistakes my father made with m-me" 

When Prince spoke those words, there was an ache in Sanaa's heart. She could feel the pain in his voice. It was almost like suddenly, he transformed back into that shy 17 year old boy she remembered from when they first entered each other's lives.

There was such a vulnerability behind those haunting hazel orbs of his as he gazed up into her eyes, baring absolutely everything for her to see. "Baby, Listen to me. That will not happen. You are not your parents. You're an amazing father to Mia and I know you'll be an amazing father to our son..."

"Really?" He found himself whispering, still feeling a little unsure of himself, playing nervously with his fingers and Sanaa found it endearing. It was crazy how a certain action he'd do would immediately bring out that shy and insecure part of him that was still very much present after all these years. She reached out to grab his chin, causing him to look her in the eye. There were no words spoken between the two lovers as she leaned in, kissing his lips slowly and delicately. His fingertips immediately reached out to take hold on to her hips for support. Even after all of this time, her lips never failed to literally bring him to his knees. Everything he absolutely adored about her...her being alone was a complete weakness to his soul.

"God I love you" his voice broke between their deep kiss and she giggled a bit, reaching out with her thumb to brush away his fresh tears. "I love you too and I don't think I'll ever stop" His eyes then trailed down to her stomach. The widest grin adorned his lips, reminding Sanaa of an excited child and she had to laugh, the excitement immediately trickling over to her as well from his happiness. "I really can't wait to meet you little buddy" he leaned down, lifting up her shirt a little and placed a soft and tender kiss on her flushed skin. He then rested his head in between her lap. There was a comfortable silence that settled between them before Sanaa spoke again.

"How do we tell Mia?" her hands reached down and began playing in his black hair. To her excitement, he had been starting to grow it out again. With his eyes closed, Prince immediately felt his nerves soothe and calm at the sensation of her fingers running circles threw his scalp. He'd always love whenever she'd play in his hair. It never failed to relax him and eventually put him to sleep.

"I think that we should both tell her together, maybe over one of her favorite meals. I know she's gonna be overjoyed" he spoke lowly, the feeling of sleep trailing not too far behind. "How are you gonna tell Moesha?" He had managed to ask, the curiosity evident in his tone before letting out a soft yawn.

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