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"What. Did. You. D-Do?"

Sanaa manged to choke out those words however the younger man in front of her remained silent as he started pacing back and forth along the plush carpet of her bedroom. "We have to go. We gotta go now" he spoke finally, his hazel orbs wild, while searching for the object in the closet. He was quick to throw the red suitcase on the bed, hastily throwing her belongings inside. "Prin-"

"Sanaa please!" His voice raised a few octaves and the older woman clamped her mouth shut, watching in confusion as he continued packing random items quickly. "Where's Mia?" She found herself asking cautiously and after a few moments of silence he finally replied. "In the car already with Duane..." Heading into the connected bathroom, he grabbed her toothbrush and deodorant. Noticing the look now on her features he quickly responded again. "He's my bodyguard and also my driver...come on" he roughly zipped up the suitcase and opening one of the drawers started putting on one of Sanaa's old college sweatshirts.
Grabbing her wrist he shot her a quick smile before the two headed out the front door into the brisk late night air.

The car ride to their destination was silent. An uncomfortable silence that made everything feel eerie. Prince sat across from Sanaa in the dark suv, his shades blocking out most of his face however she could still feel his intense stare, capturing her every movement. Meanwhile Mia was strapped securely in her seat, sleeping peacefully. Sanaa couldn't help but smile softly at her presence she was literally a replica of her father. Duane remained silent, his vision focused solely on the dark vacant roads ahead. He was fairly a big guy and Sanaa was surprised that Prince even needed a bodyguard in the first place. Immediately her thoughts went swarming back to when she first saw him in her place, how utterly disheveled he looked and panicked his voice was. Then she remembered his clothes and the specs of blood on them that he had crumbled them up, throwing them in her trash bin.

"Where's Aria?" Sanaa spoke suddenly but after the look Prince gave her she immediately wished that she hadn't. "We're here boss" Duane's voice interrupted the awkward silence and Prince nodded throwing up his hood which was literally swallowing his small frame. Unbuckling Mia from her seat, he was careful not to stir her awake as he carried her against him walking briskly underneath the light rain, her head snuggling deeply into his neck. Sanaa walked behind them while Duane was up front, carrying all of their luggage. It was then Sanaa realized that the place they were going to was an airport.  What the hell?

"Prince what the hell is going on?" She spoke up hesitantly before taking a step back as they began to board the small jet. "Look I'll explain it all on the way there" he spoke while handing his sleeping daughter over to his bodyguard so she could be strapped in. Meanwhile Sanaa's feet remained planted in place.

She wanted an explanation. Now.

"Where's Aria? What happened?" Letting out a sigh, princy tried hard to remain calm as he approached her slowly, his hands circling around her waist and she felt herself tensing up under his touch. What did he do? Why is he being so sneaky? "Baby I already told you that I'd explain everything on the way. Now can you please?" He motioned over to the aircraft before glancing down at his watch. "We're already running late I wanna get to Minnesota before dawn breaks"

"Just tell me what you did damnit!" Sanaa suddenly snapped, hastily removing herself from his grasp, her heart racing wildly against her ribcage. She swore she saw his eyes turn a darker hue right then and there, his jaw clenching and he let out a humorless chuckle.

"Get in the fucking plane...or else" his deep voice growled in her ear, a painful calmness behind his simple words and she shuddered, a look of pure fear now registering on her features. Noticing this Prince's face softened then, his forehead now pressed against her own.

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