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Sanaa's POV:

There was a dull but satisfied ache that had lingered along my lower abdomen making me wake up the following morning.

Sitting up, I rubbed a hand over my eyes that  stung slightly at the sun's brightness peeping through my burgandy curtains. When I turned over to yawn I wasn't surprised to find the familiar pair of intoxicating orbs locked now on mine. How long had he been up?

"Why good morning there beautiful..." His voice chirped out, laced with a deep sexy rasp as a groggy but playful smile danced on his lips and I felt an electrifying tingling coarse through my veins. I didn't respond while I found myself taking in his appearance: disheveled hair, a few loose curls draped across his forehead that I ended up brushing away with a finger, nothing but a pair of black boxers adorned his frame.

"Do you, you still eat I hope?" I find myself blurting out and suddenly his cheeks flushed as he looked down over himself. He seemed a lot thinner nowadays and part of me had to feel alarmed by it. "Remember I told you, I don't have that much of an appetite these days...not for food anyway" he murmured the last part thinking I hadn't heard.

I got an idea.

"Well come on, let me make you something then..."


"So um, does she know...about me?" Sanaa's voice tried to remain cool and nonchalant as she finished up cleaning and putting away the dishes from the remains of the breakfast they had earlier. At first Prince didn't know who she was talking about but then the realization hit him hard like a ton of bricks.

"No. She doesn't" was all he said, the guilt entering his system once again. "Are you still gonna get married?" She had found the courage to ask then, addressing the elephant in the room. Right as he was about to respond, the shrill noise of the phone rang in the kitchen, causing them both to jump.  "Excuse me-" She tried to go for it but Prince grabbed her wrist, suddenly pulling her against him.

"Let the machine get it" he spoke lowly against her ear and she shuddered at the feeling of the warmth radiating from within him. "O-Okay" she managed to croak making him chuckle a little, his hands then cupping down to her ass, giving it a firm squeeze.

"Such a beauty..." He murmured before placing a kiss along her neck. " You've always had such a wonderful ass" he joked quietly, giving it yet another squeeze and the whimper escaped from her. 

"I just...I just wish things were different you know?" Prince spoke quietly, his vision now casting down on the white tiles of the kitchen floor. All Sanaa could do was give a nod, swallowing as the pain was evident on her features. "I don't in any way regret having Mia though. She's my greatest creation, my pride and j-joy. I just... wished that you and I..." His voice trailed off and he shut his eyes, swallowing the hurt as well. When he slowly opened his eyes again, a small but shy smile was on his lips.

"We could always give it a second try? God works in mysterious ways always"

Sanaa's face remained unreadable after he had said that and immediately he regretted it.

"Listen, it's in the past now alright? You have a f-fiance..." She struggled to say the last part suddenly refusing to make eye contact with him. "You must really c-care about her I hope..." She started but Prince didn't respond. He simply chewed on his bottom lip, seemingly in conflict with himself. "Excuse me" he quickly removed himself, stumbling towards the backyard.

Prince's POV:
Once I was outside I pulled out my phone from my jeans pocket, my hand trembling. "Damnit" I mumbled, dialing the familiar number.


"It's me. Can you put her on the phone please?" I didn't even bother saying hello back. I knew I'd be heading back to Minneapolis soon I just wanted to hear her voice. "Sure... hold on baby" Aria spoke on the end and I heard her call her name.


I couldn't even control the smile that was already on my lips at that point. Getting more comfortable, I took a seat in the grass.
"Hey sweetheart. How are you? Are you behaving well for Mama?"

"Yup! Guess what Daddy we had show and tell at school today and Mommy let me bring in you gutar!" Mia squealed excitedly and I genuinely laughed at her adorableness. "Oh my gutiar huh? That's cool!" I definitely knew I was gonna have to have a chat with Aria about that. I wasn't big on my gutiars but I still didn't really enjoy them being touched frequently. I wasn't that big of a musician, music just happened to be a past time hobby for me while my artwork and photography is where I felt I truly shinned.

"When are you coming back home Daddy? I miss you! Mommy does too!" My daughter pouted causing my heart to break a little. "Don't worry lil bit I'll be back home soon I promise"

"Pinky promiiiise?"

"Yes, I pinky promiiiise" I mimicked her voice and she giggled. After talking to her for about thirty minutes about everything under the sun (Mia definitely was a chatter box like her mother) and speaking to Aria for a little bit I walked back inside surprised to find that Sanaa now how company in the living room. Once the figure turned around they loudly gasped dramatically before running over to hug me. "Oh my gosh Nelson?! Looong time to see!" I didn't respond, well more like I couldn't find the breath to as Moesha continued literally hugging the life outta me. When the man whom I persumed was her man, loudly cleared his throat she finally pulled away.

"Hello Moesha. And Marcus right? Nice to see you again man" We both have each other a handshake. When Sanaa reappeared from the kitchen my eyes trailing over her outfit and I had to lick my lips. She must've changed while I was outside. Damn...The moment we locked eyes she shot me a warning glare and I cleared my throat, praying I didn't just get caught openly staring at her mother like that.

Moesha and Marcus ended up staying over for dinner and it didn't take long to notice she hadn't changed a bit over the years. We also discussed Marcus's cousin, whose artwork happened to be showcased in my shows as well. I couldn't help but notice that Sanaa seemed a little more reserved than usual, almost like she had a lot on her mind. I always knew when something was bothering her and later on that evening when her daughter and boyfriend had left I was determined to get her to tell me what was up.

"Alright. Tell me" I spoke, stopping my actions of wiping down the kitchen table with some cloth, looking directly at her. Turning off the sink, Sanaa simply shurgged her shoulders. "It's nothing" "Mmhmm" it didn't take long for my frame to end up behind hers and her body visibly stiffened. "I could always read you like a book you know..." I leaned in, my lips just barely brushing against the nape of her neck, inhaling the sweet vanilla perfume she wore, almost feeling intoxicated by it. I let my fingertips graze along her bare arms, loving the goosebumps the sensation caused along her soft skin. "W-What do you want, Prince?" Sanaa finally spoke before clearing her throat in attempt to conceal her nerves. Licking my lips, my reply came out in a low rumble, my lips now trailing up along her earlobe.

"I think right now we both know what we want Ches..." Using my hand I guided it up towards her breast, cupping it firmly, letting my thumb and index finger pinch her nipple slightly and she whimper a little, trying to fight against my touch.

"N-No" her voice was so soft now but my hand had already made its way inside of the tan form fitting pants she wore. "Ah... your mouth says that yes, however these lips beg to differ" I motioned with a finger towards the wetness between her smooth thighs and she tried to close them. "Stop it, we can't" she breathed out finding the strength to finally turn around and face me, her features flushed. "I, I don't think this is a good idea anymore... whatever this is exactly" she spoke cautiously, her fingers wringing around each other and she tucked a few loose strands of her dark tresses behind her ear. I had blinked a few times, hoping I hadn't heard her correctly.

Before I had the chance to speak she quickly continued. "You have a family now. Shouldn't you be with them right now? I'm sure they miss you...I heard you on the phone talking to them earlier" she confessed. I tried to take a step closer towards her but she put her hand out to stop me. "This just doesn't... seem right anymore....you deserve to be happy, to have complete happiness... And that's with them" she then started to walk away, leaving me alone with my thoughts in the kitchen. Hanging my head low I cursed silently to myself feeling so hopeless.

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