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I should really wake him up.

The thought quickly entered Sanaa's concious as she took small steps towards the couch where Prince slept peacefully, his lips slightly parted. Taking in a sharp breath, she found herself captivated by the younger man's beauty. It was almost unreal to her, how perfect he looked. Even as a teenager, he always looked adorable but now It was mind boggling to know that this breathtaking specimen was the same man who just a couple years earlier, had an afro and was such a shy individual. He truly had come into his own now, his once round baby face more defined, his figure slender and toned. She hadn't even realized how closely her frame had gotten towards his until his eyes suddenly opened and she jumped back in fright, clutching her chest.

"Was.. was their something on my face?" He joked lightly, the rasp evident in his tone from just waking up. It made Sanaa's thighs quiver. Swallowing nervously, she tried to flush all of those dirty thoughts away. He doesn't want you in that way anymore. He's moved on now. And so have you.

Taking in his surroundings once more, Prince sat up, the blush slowly creeping up in his creeks. "I, I'm so sorry about falling asleep down here...I didn't even realize it" he then stood up, adjusting the black slacks he wore and Sanaa tried hard not to let her imagination get the best of her at that moment. "Did you want some breakfast?" Prince shook his head. "No thanks I'm, I really don't have much an appetite these days..." She couldn't help but frown a little. He wasn't starving himself was he? No wonder he's so thin now...

"Well I guess I better get going...it was nice seeing you again" Prince suddenly spoke and all Sanaa could do was nod, the air between them now slightly awkward as he kicked his dress shoe at the carpet, both feet still planted in place in front of the couch. He didn't want to leave yet.

Sanaa's POV:

I could see it in his eyes. The hesitation. He didn't want to go just yet and truthfully, I didn't want him to either but this just wasn't right. I should be furious. After all of these years he just thought it was alright to walk back into my life as if nothing ever happened. And here I was letting him. I couldn't even feel anger with him. I just, I didn't know what to be feeling at the time but I knew in my heart I refused to let him walk out of my life again.

"What about after I eat something, we could maybe walk around and catch up?" I winced internally at how awkward that must've sounded but all Prince did was give a chuckle and nod.

"Okay. I'd like that"

We ended hanging out majority of the day and it definitely reminded me of old times back when he was a teenager again. I had also found out that this was the first time he had been back to California in a while.

"Wait so you had gotten your own place?" I asked as adjusted the strap of my white purse in the passenger side of the car. He had a cherry colored Corvette. Nodding, Prince continued, his vision still locked solely on the roads ahead. "I moved back to Minneapolis a few months ago, I just came back up to visit for the art gala. I do have a little apartment up here though for whenever I visit" he gave a little shrug. Wow... I thought to myself, my gaze now locked on the window as the trees and variety of houses zoomed by. He really was far off now. Success definitely had been generous to him but he deserved every inch of it. I had to feel a twinge of pride for that. All of his dreams, the goals I remembered him telling me about when he was 17 where finally becoming a reality.

It wasn't long before he pulled up in front of a gravel road, a medium sized house coming into view. "Come on, I wanna show you the inside" he couldn't contain the childlike grin that formed on his lips, lightening up his features and I had to laugh. Taking the key out of the ignition, he was quick to grab my hand in his immediately igniting a spark through my veins however I was able to have the tingling sensation subside as I followed him along the driveway.

"Gosh this is, this is beautiful Prince!" I exclaimed while he gave me a tour of his apartment. I also noticed that there weren't any other houses in sight. "Where are the neighbors?" He gave a smirk, starting to remove the short black blazer off his shoulders. "It's private property. All in seclusion"
"Oooh you too good for the human interaction huh?" I joked and he laughed out loud making me laugh with him. "You're a trip and no it's not that, it's just I like my privacy" I nodded.

All of the rooms in his place where different colors, each one representing a specific mood. Running a hand through my long tresses, there was one room in particular that caught my eye. Prince had excused himself for a moment to take a business call and curiosity got the best of me as I quietly walked into the dimly lit room. The walls were a rich violet color, emulating a sense of warmth and love. There were also photographs everywhere. They were plastered on the walls with decorative white lights hitting them ever so softly, creating a beautiful sight. This must be his art room... I thought with a small smile as I continued walking around, intrigued by all of the pictures and artwork that he had done. Some were paintings, others drawings and sketches, some black and white poloroid shots.  There was a photograph of him that made my breath get caught in my throat, the sight was, I couldn't find the words to describe it.

  There was a photograph of him that made my breath get caught in my throat, the sight was, I couldn't find the words to describe it

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"Damn..." I found myself whispering, my eyes trailing over his defined muscles and abs. I also noticed that his zipper had been undone, making my cheeks blush. This must've been taken probably only a few years prior, his hair was much longer now. Can he sing? The thought crossed my mind at seeing the microphone being clutched in his right hand. I don't remember ever hearing him sing when he stayed with me. The next photograph was also a beautiful one, making me stop in my tracks and stare. As I got closer I realized it was actually a painting, the detailing done to absolute perfection. It must've taken hours to complete.

In the corner there was a title written in what looked like Prince's handwriting

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In the corner there was a title written in what looked like Prince's handwriting.


"Bambi?" I whispered to myself as I studied the painting. Why did she look so familiar to me?

"What are you doing in here?" The baritone voice barked from behind me suddenly, causing my heart to skip a few beats.


Turning around like a child that has just been caught, my eyes were met with a pair of hazels that didn't look happy at all.

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